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Rihanna surprises her fans with a close-fitting strapless dress

Rihanna surprises her fans with a close-fitting strapless dress


Between running her business empire and motherhood, Rihanna's life is busy at the moment, but the star still looked flawless as she attended the launch party for her new Fenty Foundation on Friday.

Arriving at the glitzy Los Angeles event, the 36-year-old singer surprised fans in a plunging tube dress in a sandy hue that gave a nod to her new makeup product.

Rihanna in tube dress at Fenty foundation launch party © Chad Salvador
Rihanna looked stunning in her fitted tube dress

Celebrating the launch of Rihanna's strapless dress perfectly matched the brand's backdrop and her new buttercup blonde hair, which she wore in a sleek style with face-framing side bangs.

The Fenty CEO completed the look with a pair of stiletto heels with delicate straps that wrapped around her calves, paired with chunky gold earrings with diamond detailing to match her statement bangles.

rihanna fenty beauty event © Steve Granitz
Rihanna wore new Fenty foundation for the event

Opting for glamorous and soft makeup to complete this luxurious and understated ensemble, Rihanna looked stunning with a pair of false eyelashes, gold eyeshadow, flawless base and red lip liner with a touch of shimmer.

THE Umbrella The hitmaker founded Fenty Beauty in 2017, and the cosmetics brand has gone from strength to strength ever since. Soft'Lit Naturally Luminous Longwear Foundation, available in-store at Sephora, comes in 50 versatile shades and is designed to provide moisturizing medium coverage for all skin types.

Rihanna took to Instagram to share a video of herself trying out the new lightweight foundation, released on April 26. The star captioned the post: “This is what we've been doing for the last two years. And now it's yours. Soft'Lit Naturally Luminous Foundation!! It's hydrating, long-wearing and packed with ingredients that are good for the skin and you know, DAMN RIGHT, it comes in all 50 shades!!”

The mother-of-two debuted her dramatic hair transformation earlier this month when she made a rare appearance in east London for a lavish party celebrating Fenty's latest collaboration with Puma.

The singer stunned in an oversized suit and jacket© Neil Mockford
The singer stunned in an oversized suit and jacket

The Fenty X Puma Creeper Phatty Earth Tone shoe event saw the Diamonds singer swap her brunette locks for the platinum blonde style.

Rihanna looked effortlessly chic for the occasion, wearing an oversized brown suit paired with a wool jacket and new Fenty X Puma sneakers.




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