Scientists Discover Fatherhood Changes Men's Brain Matter
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New research shows that fatherhood changes men's brain chemistry.
According to a news study published in the Cerebral cortex According to a scientific review, becoming a parent causes changes in men's brains that promote their ability to bond with their babies and become sensitive to their needs, which is considered a crucial adaptation for the survival of our species.
Lead researcher Darby Saxbe, a professor of psychology at the University of Southern California who studies structural changes in the brain, and colleagues in Spain conducted brain imaging studies of 40 expectant fathers before and after the birth of their first child. resultsThey found that when men experienced gray matter reduction before and after becoming fathers, the changes were more subtle than in women.
The observed changes were primarily seen in the cerebral cortex – the part of the brain responsible for executive functions like memory, thinking, reasoning, learning, problem solving and emotional processing – where the reduction in gray matter is thought to be one way the body is improving the male brain's ability to process information.
In a follow-up study, Saxbe and his team look at In 38 first-time fathers, those who reported higher motivation and commitment to parenting were found to have greater reductions in gray matter volume in the cerebral cortex.
The reduction in gray matter in the cerebral cortex is not the only change fathers experience before and after welcoming their baby, with many studies indicating that men also experience hormonal changes.
The researchers not only find It's not uncommon for fathers to experience significant surges in oxytocin when they hold their newborns for the first time, but studies have also found that testosterone levels can be indicative of men's likelihood of becoming parents.
The results for the latter were find In a study of 600 men, researchers found that men in their 20s with higher testosterone levels were more likely to become cohabiting fathers four years later, compared to their counterparts with lower testosterone levels. However, these cohabiting fathers experienced a steep decline in testosterone, while non-single fathers experienced a smaller decline.
Testosterone levels in men are important because they facilitate the drive to mate and procreate. While this decline may be alarming to some, Professor Lee Gettler of the University of Notre Dame has found that research According to their findings, the decline was not as dramatic among fathers in their 30s, as it was among those in their 20s.
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