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Inside fashion retailer Primark's new Tysons store, which opens today

Inside fashion retailer Primark's new Tysons store, which opens today


The opening day of the first Primark store in Virginia has arrived.

The Ireland-based fashion company will cut the ribbon on its new two-story boutique at Tysons Corner Center at 11 a.m. today (Tuesday), welcoming customers with free tote bags, free candy from Georgetown Cupcakes and other giveaways.

This weekend, the party will continue with freebies starting at 10am and free meals starting at Empanadas Mendozaa food truck that also has a booth at Tysons Galleria, from noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday (July 20). On Sunday (July 21), there will be more free bags and other giveaways, free ice cream and visits from SpongeBob.

“Opening days are really fun,” a Primark spokesperson said at a media preview of the store yesterday (Monday). “It's like a big party.”

For Primark, the Tysons grand opening will also mark the start of a “season” of store launches across the country, according to Primark US president Kevin Tulip. The company plans to open four more stores by the holiday season, including one in Orlando, Florida, and its first Michigan store in Great Lakes Crossing, near Detroit.

Founded in 1969 as Penneys in Dublin, Ireland, Primark now has stores in 17 countries and is one of Europe's largest fashion chains. The Tysons Corner Center opening will be the company's 25th in the United States and the second in the Washington, D.C., area, following the opening of opening last year at Arundel Mills in Hanover, Maryland.

With additional stores under construction at Potomac Mills in Woodbridge and the Mall of Prince George's in Hyattsville, Primark sees the D.C. area as an important market, Tulip says.

“We spend a lot of time and energy looking at each location individually, from population density to other similar types of retailers in the mall, and Tysons Corner has been on our list for some time,” he told FFXnow. “It’s a premier shopping destination, very conveniently located, close to Washington, D.C.”

Taking the place of LL Bean, who closed in January 2021 After two decades in the mall, the Primark store at Tysons Corner Center actually occupies about 50,000 square feet of space, but the sales area is closer to 35,000 square feet, which the company considers an ideal size for its U.S. stores.

“When this space became available at the right size, we were really happy with its location in the mall and it was a perfect spot for us,” Tulip said.

Adjacent to Old Navy near Bloomingdale's, the store features women's clothing, accessories and beauty products on the upper level, while men's, children's and home goods, including sleepwear and lingerie, are concentrated on the lower level.

While all Primarks have access to the same stock, teams in each store have the flexibility to adapt their layout, displays and merchandise based on the season and the preferences of their community, Tulip explains.

The Tysons store, for example, might emphasize women's evening wear more than the Arundel Mills store, if demand is higher. It might move shorts, baseball caps and other summer clothing near the upper-level entrance later than the upcoming Michigan store, where the weather will cool off earlier.

Tulip noted that U.S. customers seem particularly drawn to exclusive products developed through licensing deals with companies like Disney, the NFL and Netflix. Right now, there’s a prominent display of “The Lion King” branded T-shirts in a nod to the movie. 30th anniversary.

“We really give that autonomy to the store team so they know who your customer is and they adapt that global range accordingly,” Tulip said. “It’s not just someone in head office bringing the same stock to each individual store. As a physical retailer, we want people to come and experience Primark, get to know us for our product, our pricing, but also get a sense… of which stores are right for them, and that’s where I think we differentiate ourselves from some of the larger retailers who don’t have that flexibility.”

According to Tulip, Primark is able to keep prices low (a pair of denim jeans costs $10, for example) by relying on a consistent product range across all 17 countries and focusing on physical retail rather than online sales. website allows customers to check if an item is in stock, but does not offer shipping.

In the past, Primark and other clothing retailers has come under control in the UK, where government officials fear their cheap prices encourage waste and rely on labour exploitation. In response, Primark has launched a “Primark cares” in 2021, which included commitments to use recyclable or sustainable materials and to ensure all workers in its supply chain earn a living wage by 2030.

Tulip disputes Primark’s classification as “fast fashion,” noting that clothes can take at least eight to nine months to get from design to store shelves. A slogan displayed above the escalators at the Tysons store – “Love the feeling” – refers to the company’s belief in the importance of physical retail, he says.

“Being able to have a physical space where we don’t pay the cost of distribution and home delivery and all the things that other companies offer allows us to really focus all of our attention and energy on our price,” Tulip said.




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