Judge arrests Rhode Island men in 2021 highway clash
Two members of a sovereign citizens group that claimed Rhode Island as their territory face court-ordered prison sentences for their roles in an armed standoff with Massachusetts State Police in 2021.
Rise of the Moors frontman Jamhal Tavon Sanders Latimer faces three to five years in prison plus four years of probation under sentences handed down at a sentencing hearing Tuesday.
In June, Latimer was convicted of weapons offenses, including possession of a large-capacity firearm, in a standoff that took place on Interstate 95 over a period of nearly nine hours on the Fourth of July weekend.
Another member of the group, Steven Anthony Perez, will serve 18 months plus four years of probation, a spokeswoman for Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan said Thursday.
Ryan and Massachusetts State Police Col. Jack Mawn sharply criticized the two defendants after they were convicted last month.
“The complex, hours-long confrontation that is the subject of this case posed a significant risk to public safety on one of the busiest travel days of the year,” Mawn said.
Disruptive impasse on Route 95
On July 3, 2021, Latimer and Perez drew attention to themselves in the breakdown lane of Interstate 95 in Wakefield.
Dressed in military-style camouflage clothing and a bulletproof vest, Latimer carried an AR-style rifle and claimed he was the leader of an armed Rhode Island militia, according to Ryan's office.
He and Perez, who was also armed, claimed they were on their way from Rhode Island to train in Maine, prosecutors said.
They were with nine other people, dressed in the same way, whom Latimer called his men.
The defendants did not have driver's licenses or registrations for the vehicles they were driving, nor did they have permits for the firearms they were brandishing.
Latimer and Perez refused to drop their weapons, forcing a response from a state police tactical team, Wakefield police and crisis negotiators.
More than eight hours later, after the men's negotiated surrender without a single shot being fired, police seized three high-capacity AR-style rifles from the two vehicles.
They also seized a bolt-action rifle, a semi-automatic shotgun, two high-capacity drum magazines that can hold fifty or more bullets, dozens of high-capacity magazines that can hold more than thirty bullets, and three semi-automatic pistols. The police also confiscated hundreds of cartridges of various calibers.
The scene attracted national media attention and brought attention to the Rhode Island-led group.
Declaration of guilt
Latimer was convicted of unlawful possession of a large-capacity weapon, unlawful possession of a large-capacity feeding device, unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of a shotgun or rifle, improper storage of a rifle or shotgun near a minor, using or wearing body armor during a felony and unlawful possession of ammunition.
“The defendants in this case disrupted multiple communities and endangered the safety of many residents who were traveling or planning to travel during a busy Fourth of July weekend,” Ryan said. “Jamhal Tavon Sanders Latimer and Steven Anthony Perez both demonstrated a disregard for our laws and failed to comply with the directions of multiple police departments on the scene.”
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