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Meghan Markle Stuns in Gorgeous Carolina Herrera Poppy Red Dress and Jewelry with Special Message at Global Citizen VAX LIVE Appearance


By Heather Cichowski, with files from Zach Harper

Duchess Meghan
appeared on video for the special broadcast of Global Citizen VAX LIVE: the concert to bring the world together May 8. The pregnant Duchess was wowed with a gorgeous colorful dress and daring accessories.

The Duchess of Sussex was dressed in a red floral-print dress, which appears at the
Poppy print shirt dress through Carolina herrera. The pure silk style, which sells for US $ 1,690, is currently sold out.

You can watch Meghan’s full speech below:

She paired it with gold earrings with a rounded stone and a gold drop as well as a delicate pendant necklace. The Duchess’s playful look was completed with her go-to
Cartier Love bracelet and watch.

What a superb shirt dress! Photo: Carolina Herrera

Meghan’s long dark hair was parted to the side and styled in a straight finish over one shoulder with soft waves that enhanced her facial features. A smoky eye and pink lip color were the finishing touches to the pregnant royal’s look.

Carolina Herrera is a significant choice for her latest appearance, as the 39-year-old chose a silky dress from the classic label.
when she revealed she was expecting her second child.

The black and white photo showed the
Duke and Duchess of Sussex look so in love. He was taken from a distance by Misan Harriman, one of the Sussexes’ longtime friends.

MORE: Prince Harry Gives Passionate Speech For COVID-19 Vaccine Fairness At Celebrity Concert

Prince harry
appeared at Global Citizen VAX LIVE: The Concert to Reunite the World on May 2 and gave a touching speech at the event to ensure
COVID-19[feminine les vaccins sont mis à la disposition de tous ceux qui en veulent un dans le monde entier.

L’émission était animée par
Selena Gomez et présenté des performances incroyables de Jennifer Lopez, les Foo Fighters, J. Balvin, SA et Confiture de perles chanteur Eddie Vedder. Le président américain Joe Biden et première dame Jill Biden, Pape François, David Letterman et Chrissy Teigen a également fait des apparitions.

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