Coronavirus, COVID-19, Italy | National Post Instant news
Ilaria Piotto thought she was fine. Focus on the things he can control. He built a routine. Of course, he’s at home all day, almost every day. But he is studying and speaking and is still busy. He said, “I feel fine.” “I don’t think all of this has any effect on me.” Then, at the grocery store, he saw a friend.
This is not his best friend. that’s the problem. Before all this, they were not very close. They ran in the same group. They met at the party. But when he saw that day, in the store, wearing his gloves and mask, he was drowned. He almost stopped crying.
He said: “How strange, I moved to see him after all this time.” “You are used to a situation. You forget things that were different. Something like this reminds you of how it was.”
Most Italians, including Piotto, have been in the form of mandatory isolation for more than a month now. The COVID-19 pandemic struck northern Italy earlier and was more difficult than other western countries at the time. (The United States has overtaken Italy in total cases and deaths.)
In early March, the National Post spoke with four Italian citizens about life in the country in the early stages of the closure. The goal is to know what will happen soon here. A month later, three of the four people spoke to the newspaper again about their lives now and in the months that followed. The fourth person cannot comment.
The three talk about boredom, fear and the value of what to do. For Canadians, their thinking offers another window into our very near future, and it’s where the situation may turn out, but where a lot of work and sacrifice remains to be done.
The comments below have been modified for clarity, style and space.
Jake Robert is a former Ottawa reporter. He now runs a villa and tourism company in Abruzzo, east of Rome, with his wife Lisa Gracie-Blaise.
About a month ago, the numbers went up very quickly. They could not cremate fast enough in Bergamo, a fairly large city with many crematoriums. Send them on military trucks. And this is the crucial point where I think, well. It was strange and a little bit scary before, but it was very cruel. I’ve never seen anything like this before in my life. I don’t think anyone has.
So this is a crucial point for me. We will deal with business. We will be fine, but we will do our part. I will not complain about anything. We will follow the rules and hope we can get out of this without much slaughter. I think most people like it. Although our city has one confirmed case, people know the people in other villages who have died. Like, “My uncle, my uncle, my grandfather.” That kind of thing. So no one here really complains about the quarantine.
A quiet road in Torre dei Passi, Abruzzo, Italy.
Jake Robert
In the past ten days, this place has been fairly steady, and now we have less money. But the government does not take risks. They talk about the possibility of spin-off things, but this will not happen in the near future. They want to do what China does – to eliminate many new situations before people start continuing their daily lives and then gradually do it.
People here are doing what they have to do to get past it. Our friend is an employee of the city. Before that, he handled birth certificates, citizenship requests, and division requests. What he did over the past 30 days was handing out food stamps.
The good thing about our job is that we are very conservative. We do not accept debts and mortgages. So we are fine. Unlike the ten people who work with us. Some of our cleaning women get food vouchers. We try to help them as best we can, but we have a negative income. We have removed many people. But we will go bankrupt before we see our employees suffer.
Hazar Abbas is a 22-year-old asylum seeker from Pakistan. He came to Europe more than four years ago and lived in Florence, where he worked at a leather factory, for a year and a half. He left his job and has been stuck at home since early March.
Now we are like last month. Everything is the same. We are concerned about our financial resources, our work and the things we need in our daily life. Last week, I sent a letter to my managers because the Italian government announced a reward of 600 euros ($ 910) for workers. I want some information on how to apply for it. My manager told us that we should wait. We are still waiting. Our boss has not yet paid us, so money is a big problem.
There are five of us at home. We play cards, improve our language and try to get Italian language lessons. We have all cricket items at home, balls, bats, and everything. But we did not break anything because we play very slowly. We cook each other. Today is my turn. I’m going to make rice because it’s easy to cook and you don’t need a lot of ingredients to put it in.
A city worker cleanses Piazza del Duomo, in Florence, Italy, to combat the spread of COVID-19, 21 March 2020.
Carlo Bressan / AFP by Getty Images
Of course we are bored. If you spend more than a month at home, you will feel bored. But it is worse in the first two or three weeks. I didn’t do anything at that time. Then I thought, maybe I could try some online courses, or maybe I could try to improve my Italian language. So I try it now and get better.
If I go to the market, if the police see me, they ask me, what are you doing here? Why are you outside I have to tell them that I’m here to buy groceries. We can only go out to buy the things we need for our daily life. It takes at least an hour to buy something. We must wait. One by one we can enter it to buy our goods.
One good thing is that everyone is the same now. I was treated as an Italian and treated like Italians. At first, I thought they thought we were different, but now I think they know we are alike.
Elaria Pioto, 21, is a student at the Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice. He lives with his parents in Padova, about 40 kilometers west of the city.
At first I was very worried. I didn’t know what’s going on. I struggle to create a routine. If you are at home, you can study. There is nothing wrong. But it’s hard to get yourself to do something when you don’t have a schedule, when you have no place to be. I was very concerned about the situation, the news, but then, slowly, I managed to perform a routine and accepted the position. I accept that we are powerless.
Now, I just try to live my daily life, focus on school and stay basically busy. It seems almost unnatural now, although it was strange at first. I don’t remember until the last time I accidentally went out without doing important things.
Imagine that everything would return to normal as utopia
I didn’t realize the isolation that affected me until I saw one of my friends at the grocery store and started crying. I feel fine. I didn’t really think about that. That moment helped me understand, maybe even if I thought I was okay, something deeper had happened to me.
I don’t know what life will be like when it ends. I can’t imagine it. At this point my friends and I accepted. We made peace with the situation. So imagine that everything will return to normal like utopia. I do not know. I think it will take a long time before everything returns to normal.
• E-mail: [email protected] | Indonesia: richardwarnica
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