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Is Italy still closed? The state is reopening some stores after noticing the lowest increase in daily deaths since March | Instant news


The new coronary virus outbreak in Italy, which reported more than 20,400 deaths, recorded on Tuesday the lowest number of daily deaths since March 19, with 431 new deaths on Sunday, according to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University.

Italy has been secured since March 9 and will last until May 3, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte was confirmed last week. However, many companies, including stores that sell books, stationery and children’s clothing, will be allowed to resume operations from Tuesday. Strict regulations will apply to hygiene and the number of clients accommodated on all stores permitted to reopen, while the plant will remain closed.

“We need to choose sectors that can resume their activities. If scientists confirm this, we may start relaxing with some steps by the end of this month,” he said. [April]Conte told the BBC last week.

Some of the worst affected areas, such as Lombardy and other parts of the north, will maintain locking procedures for a longer period. The part of the Emilia-Romagna region most affected by the plague will remain closed.

Officials in the Veneto region, with its capital, Venice, reportedly discussed “soft insurance”. Book stores and clothing stores are allowed to open two days a week and the ban on exercise is lifted more than 656 feet (200 meters) away from home. Veneto Governor Luca Zaya confirmed that the locals were required to wear masks and gloves when they left their homes.

The rapid spread of the disease in Italy has shown signs of slowing down in recent days. Last week, there were 542 deaths on Wednesday, down from 604 the previous day. Reuters reported that the number of patients in intensive care decreased from 3,792 on Tuesday to 3,693 on Wednesday, the fifth straight daily decline.

The country’s civil protection department confirmed last week that the country had recorded 525 new deaths, the lowest increase since mid-February.

The government is said to be developing a five-point plan to gradually reopen business, while some mitigation measures remain in place, Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported.

View of Via Borgognona on April 1, 2020 in Rome, Italy. The World Health Organization suggests that healthy people only need to wear masks when treating patients. Getty Images

Under the new plan, residents are required to wear face masks at work and remain six feet in public places at all times. Those with few symptoms of COVID-19 should immediately inform health workers and isolate them for 14 days. It is reported that Italy is also planning to build more hospitals dedicated to patients with COVID-19.

Conte is also said to want to secure tens of thousands of certified blood test kits to ensure the number of people who have developed antibodies in the country. According to Agence France-Presse, those who develop antibodies may have immunity and be allowed to operate.

The COVID-19 virus, which was first reported in Wuhan, China, has infected more than 1.9 million people worldwide, including more than 159,500 in Italy. More than 458,500 people have recovered, while about 120,000 died on Tuesday.

The graph below, provided by Statista, illustrates the global spread of a COVID-19 virus outbreak.

COVID-19 virus has spread worldwide. Statista

COVID-19 case data is taken from Johns Hopkins University unless otherwise indicated.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention uses facial covers to slow the spread of COVID-19

The CDC recommends wearing cloth face covers in public places where it is difficult to maintain social distance measures.
A simple facial cloth can help slow the spread of the virus by infected people who have no symptoms.
Facial fabric can be made from household items. Evidence provided by CDC. (
Cloth covers should be washed regularly. The washing machine is sufficient.
Lift the face mask safely without touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and wash your hands immediately after removing the cap.

WHO proposals to avoid the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19)

Hygiene advice

Clean hands as much as possible with soap and water, or rub hands that contain alcohol.
Wash your hands after coughing or sneezing. When treating patients; before, during and after preparing food; before eating; after using the toilet; when the hands appear dirty. And after dealing with animals or waste.
Keep at least one meter (3 feet) from anyone coughing or sneezing.
Avoid touching your hands, nose, and mouth. Do not spit in public places.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow that bends when you cough or sneeze. Get rid of tissue immediately and clean your hands.

Medical advice

Avoid close contact with others if you have symptoms.
Stay home if you feel unwell, even with mild symptoms such as headaches and colds, to avoid the possibility of the disease spreading to medical facilities and other people.
If you have serious symptoms (fever, cough, trouble breathing), seek medical attention early and contact your local health authority first.
Record any recent contact with others and travel details to give authorities who can track and prevent the spread of the disease.
Keep abreast of developments in COVID-19 issued by health authorities and follow their instructions.

Use masks and gloves

Healthy people only need to wear a mask if they care about patients.
Wear a mask if you cough or sneeze.
The mask is effective when used with frequent hand washing.
Do not touch the mask when wearing it. Clean your hands if you touch the mask.
Learn how to properly wear, remove, and dispose of the mask. Clean hands after removing the mask.
Do not use disposable masks.
Regular hand washing is more effective than catching COVID-19 than wearing rubber gloves.
COVID-19 virus can still be caught on rubber gloves and transmitted by touching your face.

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