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US Senate race: Pennsylvania primaries will solidify Casey, McCormick as candidates

US Senate race: Pennsylvania primaries will solidify Casey, McCormick as candidates


HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) Pennsylvania's primaries on Tuesday will cement the slate of a high-stakes U.S. Senate race between Democratic Sen. Bob Casey and Republican challenger David McCormick, a contest expected to cost hundreds of millions of dollars and could help decide control of the Senate next year.

Casey, seeking his fourth term, is perhaps Pennsylvania's best-known politician and a pillar of the Democratic Party in presidential states, the son of a former two-term governor and Pennsylvania's longest-serving Democrat in the Senate.

McCormick is a two-time Senate challenger, a former hedge fund CEO and Pennsylvania native who spent $14 million of his own money to narrowly lose to famed heart surgeon Dr. Mehmet Oz in the seven-way primary. of the GOP in 2022. Oz then lost to Democratic Sen. John Fetterman in a crucial Senate contest.

This time around, McCormick has consolidated the party around his candidacy and is backed by a super PAC that has already reported raising more than $20 million, much of it from securities billionaires.

McCormick's candidacy is shaping up to be Casey's most significant challenge in his three re-election bids. McCormick, determined to shore up support among the Republican base, told an audience of conservatives in suburban Harrisburg earlier this month that he tells people you'll agree with about 80 percent of what I say…but we don't agree 90% of the time. with the crazy progressive left that is destroying our country.

Senate candidates will share a ticket with presidential candidates in a state crucial to whether Democrats can maintain control of the White House and Senate. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are expected to easily win their party's nomination now that all major rivals have dropped out.

Of note, however, is the number of uncommitted write-in votes cast during the Democratic primary in protest of Biden's handling of the war between Israel and Hamas.

In the Senate race, Democrats attacked McCormick's opposition to abortion rights, his frequent trips to Connecticut's upscale Gold Coast, where he has a family home, and his emphasis on investment in China during his twelve years as an executive at hedge fund Bridgewater Associates. including as CEO.

Casey has been a key player for Democrats trying to reframe the election year narrative on the economy by taking on greed, a blunt term for companies that raise prices and rip off buyers for maximize their profits as prices rise rapidly over the past three years. a big weak point in 2024 for the Democrats. Recent indications that the U.S. economy has avoided a recession thanks to efforts to manage inflation have not yet translated into voter enthusiasm for granting Biden a second term.

McCormick, meanwhile, accused Casey of rubber-stamping Biden's harmful policies on immigration, the economy, energy and national security, and made a bid for Jewish voters by visiting on the Israel–Gaza border and arguing that Biden did not sufficiently support Israel in the Israel–Hamas war.

Casey is one of Biden's strongest allies in Congress.

The two men share a hometown of Scranton and their political histories are closely intertwined. Biden, who represented neighboring Delaware in the Senate and was rooted in Philadelphia sports teams, effectively made Pennsylvania his political home as a presidential candidate. Long before that, Biden was dubbed Pennsylvania's third senator by Democrats because he campaigned there so often.

McCormick and Trump have supported each other, but are an awkward duo at the top of the GOP ticket. Trump savagely attacked McCormick during the 2022 primaries in an effort to help Oz win his primary. And McCormick, for his part, spoke of a private meeting in which he refused Trump's insistence that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, a debunked claim that the former president did not never abandoned.

Still, Trump, speaking to reporters after arriving at the New York courthouse for his hush-hush criminal trial, urged people to vote in Pennsylvania and praised McCormick.

It's a big day in Pennsylvania. And we hope that people will come and vote. It's important to vote to let them know that come November 5, it's going to happen in a big way, Trump said. Maybe they'll also think of a very good person running for Senate in Pennsylvania: Dave McCormick. And he does a good job. He works very hard, he is successful and he wants to put his success to the service of the country.

Democrats currently hold a very narrow majority in the Senate, but face a tough 2024 senatorial map that requires them to defend incumbents in the red states of Montana and Ohio and fight for open seats with new ones. candidates in Michigan and West Virginia.

A Casey defeat could guarantee Republican control of the Senate.

Elsewhere on Tuesday's ballot, Pennsylvanians will decide candidates for an open attorney general office and two other statewide treasurer and auditor general offices, as well as for all 17 state House seats -United States and 228 of the state's 253 legislative seats.

For attorney general, Republicans have a two-way race while Democrats have a five-person primary field. Democrats will also decide challengers to incumbent Republican state Treasurer Stacy Garrity and state Auditor General Tim DeFoor.

For Congress, 44 candidates are running, including all 17 incumbents, with only three facing primary opponents: Democratic Reps. Summer Lee in a Pittsburgh-based district and Dwight Evans in Philadelphia and Republican Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick in the suburbs. from Philadelphia.

Lees' primary against challenger Bhavini Patel is shaping up to be an early test of whether the war between Israel and Gaza poses a political threat to progressive congressional Democrats who have criticized the way it has been handled.

Voters will choose from three potential Republican candidates for Democratic Rep. Susan Wild, whose Allentown district is politically divided, and six Democratic candidates hoping to challenge Republican Rep. Scott Perry of southern Pennsylvania.

Perry became a national figure for leading the far-right House Freedom Caucus in a battle for the presidency and for his efforts to help Trump stay in power after losing the 2020 presidential election.


Associated Press writer Jill Colvin in New York contributed to this report. Follow Marc Levy on Twitter at




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