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President Biden denies Xi refused China-US summit


US President Joe Biden on Tuesday denied a media report that his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, turned down an offer from Biden for a face-to-face meeting last week.

The Financial Times quoted several people briefed on a 90-minute call between the two leaders last week, saying that Xi had not accepted Biden’s offer and instead insisted that Washington adopt a less strident tone towards Beijing.

“That’s not true,” Biden said when asked by reporters if he was disappointed that Xi didn’t want to meet with him.

Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement earlier Tuesday that the report was “not an accurate representation of the call. Full stop.”

A source who was among those briefed on the call confirmed the report to be accurate.

“Xi has apparently hinted that the tone and atmosphere of the relationship needs to be improved first,” the source told Reuters.

The Financial Times cited one of his sources as saying that Biden had proposed the summit as one of several possibilities for follow-up engagement with Xi, and that he did not expect an immediate response.

He quoted a US official as saying that while Xi had not committed to the idea of ​​a summit, the White House believed that was in part due to concerns about COVID-19.

LEADERS POSEnt for a photo at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in November.  (credit: REUTERS)LEADERS POSEnt for a photo at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in November. (credit: REUTERS)

The G20 summit in Italy in October has been raised as a possible venue for a face-to-face meeting, but Xi has not left China since the pandemic began early last year.

In his statement, Sullivan added: “As we said, the Presidents discussed the importance of being able to have private discussions between the two leaders, and we will respect that.”

The call between Biden and Xi was their first in seven months and they discussed the need to ensure that competition between the world’s two largest economies does not escalate into conflict.

An official U.S. briefing ahead of the conversation called it a test of whether high-level direct engagement could end what had become a stalemate in relationships, which are at their worst in decades.

The White House later said it intended to keep the channels of communication open, but did not announce any plans for a follow-up commitment.

Chinese state media said Xi told Biden that US policy toward China imposes “serious difficulties” on the relationship, but added that the two sides agreed to maintain frequent contact and ask work teams to intensify communications.




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