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Last passenger in the Jokowi cabinet – The National Mandate Party supports all Joko Widodo and the government Ma & # 39; ruf Amin. This political attitude has been expressly expressed by the President of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan since last year. Shortly after the presidential and vice-presidential elections, Joko Widodo and Ma & # 39; ruf Amin won the elections.

Openly, Zulkifli Hasan has declared that he will succeed the government Jokowi. At that time, Zulkifli Hasan said that political support was provided without conditions. This political attitude was expressed after the dissolution of the Indonesian Fair and Prosperous coalition when the pair lost Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Uno at Presidential election 2019.

The seriousness of Zulkifli Hasan's words began to manifest after he was re-elected party captain carrying the sun. After training the leadership, Zulhas hastened to clarify the political position of the PAN over the next 5 years. The steps to get PAN to join the Jokowi coalition circle are starting to appear. This attitude has been effectively conveyed by Zulhas for a long time, but has often been blocked by rejection Amien Rais.

Amien refused to recognize the election of Zulhas as Ketum because he was seen to be doing a lot of irregularities. At the PAN congress in Kendari last February, Amien also opposed the Zul camp. Investigating an investigation, Amien kissed Zul to get Jokowi to join the Jokowi coalition.

Hilal about the political leadership of the PAN emerged when Zulhas met with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the Presidential Palace on (6/3). Although not specifically discussing the advisability of PAN entering the advanced Indonesian Cabinet, the meeting between Jokowi and Zul paved the way for PAN's entry into the government circle.

The Jokowi government has the potential to be obese with the entry of PAN. In addition, no red light interrupts Zulkifli Hasan's efforts to join the Jokowi coalition. Jokowi-Ma & # 39; ruf Amin's party does not wonder if the PAN wants to join the line of the coalition government. In the name of national unity and synergy, they welcomed PAN with open arms.

"We will wait. All efforts to create national unity and synergy should be welcomed," DPP Perjuangan president Hendrawan Supratikno told on Tuesday (10/3).

The member of Commission XI of the House of Representatives did not want to interpret the meeting between Jokowi and Zul on March 6, 2020, as the first step to divide the cabinet seats. The meeting was seen as a limited friendship between the two national figures.

Hendrawan didn't want to think too much about the news that PAN would enter the Indonesian Advanced Cabinet. He thinks it takes a long review to decide if PAN should be included in the cabinet.

"This is linked to the ethical aspects of democracy, the morality of the coalition, the quality of governance. There is so much to consider," he said.

Another case with Golkar. The party carrying the banyan tree is not a problem if PAN receives a ministerial award in the Indonesian Advanced Cabinet. With one note, the seat allocations of supporters who fought to win Jokowi-Ma & ruf Amin in the 2019 presidential election were not disturbed.

"As long as it does not interfere with the seats of supporters of the field, who from the start have been in government, there should be no problem," said Golkar's assistant general secretary Christina Aryani .

Golkar opened up to other parties that wanted to support the functioning of the Jokowi-Ma & # 39; ruf Amin government. Consideration, the government's agenda requires political support.

"To the extent that the goal is to support and oversee government policies, where many major programs are waiting to come, for me it's fine," he said.

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The last passenger and the fate of democracy

Among the many parties supporting Jokowi-Ma & # 39; ruf Amin, the PKB was the only one to have indicated that it would refuse the PAN to join the Indonesian Advanced Cabinet. However, the PKB does not matter if the PAN is eager to merge with the coalition of supporters of the government.

"Join the cabinet well, first," said DPP PKB deputy secretary general Faisol Reza.

DPP PKB president in the area of ​​communication and information, Ahmad Iman Syukri, alluded to the fact that PAN, as the "last passenger", must be willing to take the back seat. "Usually the person who comes in recently has to accept the back position," he said.

The “last passenger” predicate has been attached to the PAN since President Jokowi's first period of leadership. PAN joined the Jokowi government in 2015 after leaving the red and white coalition on the front Gerindra in the 2014 presidential election. As the last passenger, PAN has always received an award from Jokowi. A minister's seat.

The secretary general of the PPP, Arsul Sani, does not matter if the NAP approaches and even joins the government coalition. Even if PAN has a seat, PPP has no problem.

"Why indeed? This is not a problem. There is no violation, no problem," he told the Senayan Parliament complex, Jakarta, Friday (6/3).

Arsul alluded to criticism of democratic life if there were fewer party forces outside the government. If PAN joins, then all that's left is the Democrats and MCC outside of government.

"Is it healthy or not for our democratic life? The only question is that," he said.


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