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Imran Khan promises legal action against ‘every officer’ involved in raid on his Lahore residence

Imran Khan promises legal action against ‘every officer’ involved in raid on his Lahore residence


While Khan was in Islamabad to mark his presence in court on Saturday, more than 10,000 armed Punjab police launched a major operation at his Zaman Park residence and arrested dozens of his supporters. Police said they seized weapons and Molotov cocktails from Khan’s home.

Khans’ supporters managed to take control of his residence late Saturday night when Pakistan’s President Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) returned from Islamabad after attending the hearing in the Toshakhana case.

Addressing the nation, Khan said on Sunday he would take legal action against the Punjab police, including every officer “who took part in the attack” on his residence.

Heavy machinery was used by Punjab Police to break into Khan’s residence. Khan’s wife – Bushra Bibi – was present in the house during the police raid.

I want to ask everyone, the police, the army officers, the judges of this country and the people (about) the respect of the chadar and the chariot diwari (veil and walls) in Islam,” he said. the 70-year-old former prime minister said while speaking about the raid on his home.

Khan said he wanted to address the nation last night but couldn’t as he was angry. And a person shouldn’t talk when they’re angry.”

He accused the Punjab IG of violating Lahore High Court (LHC) orders, saying he had applied to an anti-terrorism court for a search warrant even as a High Court judge had already defined the procedure to be followed in order to carry out a search of his house.

He said his party would take contempt proceedings in court and also take legal action against Acting Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi.

Later, PTI Senior Leader Fawad Chaudhry said the party had sent a letter to the Chief Secretary of Punjab asking for a case to be filed against PML-N Chief Organizer Maryam Nawaz, Naqvi, Inspector General of Punjab Police, Dr. Usman Anwar, Lahore Capital Police Officer. Bilal Siddique Kamyana and 18 other police officers for the attack and robbery at Zaman Park”.

Chaudhry said the PTI had also requested a judicial commission into the Zaman Park operations and the death of party worker Ali Bilal.

Earlier, Khan asked authorities under what law they broke down the door, cut down trees and broke into the house. He said far worse, police raided his house after he left to appear in court in Islamabad.

“Bushra bibi, a totally private and apolitical person, was alone in the house. This is a complete violation of the Islamic principle of the sanctity of the chadar and the diwari char [veil and walls]“, Khan said in a series of tweets.

He said the issue of contempt, violation of the sanctity of the home and violence against his workers and household staff will be brought to court.

During his speech, Khan announced that the party would hold a power show in Minar-i-Pakistan, the same venue where he launched his campaign for the 2013 elections on Wednesday. He added that it would be a “referendum” on the position of the nation.

Meanwhile, Lahore police on Sunday booked Khan and more than 1,000 PTI workers on terrorism charges in two cases. The number of cases against Khan rose to 97.

Police said they recovered guns, Kalashnikovs, bullets, marbles and petrol bombs from his house during the search operation.

Police had also removed all encroached space in Zaman Park over the past few months and also destroyed bunkers “made to attack law enforcement.

Meanwhile, Interior Minister Rana Sanuallah said the government would consult with its legal team to assess whether a process could be launched to ban the Khans party.

“Terrorists were hiding in Zaman Park. Weapons, petrol bombs, etc. were recovered from Imran Khan’s residence, which is sufficient evidence to file a complaint against the PTI for being a militant organization” , Sanaullah said.

Regarding the government’s plan to initiate the process of declaring the PTI a proscribed organization, the Minister said: This is primarily a judicial process to declare any party proscribed. However, we will consult with our legal team on the matter.”

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif appeared to agree with the assertion of his niece, PMN-L Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz, that the Khans Party is a militant organization.

“If anyone had any doubts, the antics of Pakistan’s President Tehreek-e-Insaf, Imran Niazis, over the past few days have laid bare his fascist and militant tendencies,” Sharif said, adding that Khan had “pulled a RSS book sheet”.

Police on Sunday secured the physical pre-trial detention of more than 100 PTI activists arrested during Saturday’s operation.

While the Punjab police have completely withdrawn security from the leader of the PTI, the province of Gilgit-Baltistan where his party is in power provides him with security.

The cricketer-turned-politician was disqualified by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) in October last year for not sharing sales details. The main electoral body then filed a complaint with the district court to punish him under criminal laws for selling the gifts he had received as the country’s prime minister.

Khan was ousted from power in April last year after losing a vote of no confidence, becoming the first Pakistani prime minister to be ousted by the National Assembly.

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