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Christie hits out at Trump at presidential campaign launch, calling him a ‘selfish mirror pig’

Christie hits out at Trump at presidential campaign launch, calling him a ‘selfish mirror pig’


MANCHESTER, NH (AP) Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie wasted no time suing Donald Trump at his presidential campaign launch on Tuesday, calling the former president and current Republican primary frontrunner a lone mirror , selfish and selfish pig and arguing that he’s the only one who can stop it.

A former federal prosecutor, Christie was among the crowded group of 2016 Republican presidential candidates crushed by Trump. Now that Trump is running for the White House for the third time, this year’s rivals have no choice but to relentlessly criticize him, or risk political history repeating itself, Christie says.

Kicking off his campaign with a town hall at Saint Anselm College, Christie suggested other top Republicans had been afraid to challenge Trump or even mention his name a lot during the campaign, but made it clear he hadn’t. such scruples.

A lonely, selfish, selfish mirror pig is not a leader, Christie said, adding: The person I’m talking about, who is obsessed with the mirror, who never admits a mistake, who never admits a fault, who always finds someone else and something else to blame for everything that goes wrong, but finds every reason to take credit for everything that goes right, that’s Donald Trump.

Christie enters a growing primary field that already includes Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley and U.S. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina. Former Vice President Mike Pence will officially launch his own campaign in Iowa on Wednesday.

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Just weeks after dropping out of the 2016 race, Christie became the first sitting governor and former rival to endorse Trump. He then became a close adviser from time to time before finally breaking with Trump over his refusal to accept the 2020 election results.

During his time as governor, Christie earned a reputation as a fighter with a knack for creating viral moments of confrontation. But he faces an uphill battle for the nomination in a party that remains closely aligned with the former president, despite Trump’s 2020 re-election loss and poorer-than-expected Republicans in the 2022 midterm elections.

Anti-Trump Republicans are especially eager to see Christie sparring with Trump on a debate stage. But that only happens if Trump agrees to participate in the primary debates and Christie meets the strict fundraising criteria set by the Republican National Committee for participation.

JP Marzullo, a former state representative and former vice chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party, previously backed Trump but now backs Christie.

I think hell actually unites some of the voters, and hell befalls independents, Marzullo said of the former governor, adding that it was time for a change.

Christie began criticizing Trump by name barely in his half-hour speech on Tuesday, saying the former president had made us smaller by dividing us even further and pitting us against each other.

He also said President Joe Biden was doing the same thing, just on the other side. Christie noted he had known Biden for decades and was a nice guy, but said the president was overwhelmed because he wasn’t the guy he was anymore, referring to old age of Bidens, 80 years old.

But Christie’s primary target was Trump.

There’s a big debate going on in our country right now about whether character matters, and we have leaders who have shown us time and time again that not only are they lacking in character, but they don’t care. don’t care. Christie said. We can’t dismiss the question of character any longer, everyone. If we do, we get what we deserve and we should own it.

Christie’s advisers are planning a non-traditional, country-focused campaign based on media attention, instead of focusing on specific states. Their candidate said it was essential to remain aggressive against Trump and on Tuesday mocked what he said were Trump’s broken promises, including a promise to wall off the entire southern border of the United States and to make Mexico pay.

My reason for suing Trump is two-fold, Christie said. One, he deserves it. And two is the way to win.

Christie will test Republican voters’ appetite for someone who has voiced support for many of Trump’s policies but criticized the conduct of past presidents. The former governor urged the party to move on or risk future losses.

Other like-minded Republicans, including former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan and New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, opted against their own campaigns, fearing that having more candidates in the race would benefit Trump.

Christie was at one point considered one of the Republican Party’s brightest political stars as the popular Republican governor of a Democratic state. But despite persistent pressure from major donors and party officials, he refused to run for president in 2012. By the time he announced in 2016, his reputation had been tarnished by the Bridgegate scandal in which aides were accused of causing traffic chaos in Fort Lee, New Jersey, in an apparent effort to punish the city’s mayor for not endorsing his re-election bid.

The former governor has known Trump for nearly 20 years but their relationship has been complicated. Christie was shortlisted to serve as Trump’s vice president, oversaw Trump’s early transition efforts in the White House, said he was offered and turned down several Cabinet positions and had helped Trump prepare for each of his campaign debates in 2016 and 2020.

But Christie also clashed with Trump at times and described former presidents’ refusal to accept his 2020 election loss to Biden as a breaking point.

Christie, choosing to launch his candidacy in 2024 at a New Hampshire town hall, recalled his first run for the White House, when he focused on the state, hosting dozens of New Hampshire town hall events. to finish sixth in primary school. He gave up that race soon after.

After his speech on Tuesday, Christie took long questions from the audience, a common occurrence in early-voting states that DeSantis was hesitant to do when launching his campaign. Christie also spoke openly about his disappointing performance in 2016, despite such a heavy focus on New Hampshire.

I lost, laughs Christie. You did this to me in 2016.


Colvin reported from New York. Associated Press writer Will Weissert contributed to this story from Washington.




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