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Indonesian court rejects election disputes, confirms Prabowos victory

Indonesian court rejects election disputes, confirms Prabowos victory


JAKARTA — An Indonesian court on Monday rejected challenges from two losing candidates seeking a new February presidential election and the disqualification of winner Prabowo Subianto and his running mate, ending all electoral disputes.

The Constitutional Court ruled that there was no evidence of systematic fraud or presidential “interference”, nor that state bodies, regional officials and social welfare had been mobilized to influence the elections in the third largest democracy in the world.

“The plaintiff's petition has no legal basis in its entirety,” Chief Justice Suhartoyo said, announcing the ruling in favor of a former candidate, former Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan. The other former candidate to contest the result was Ganjar Pranowo, a former governor of Central Java.

Five judges ruled in favor of rejecting the two motions, with three dissenting opinions, he said.

The decisions of the Constitutional Court are final and binding and representatives of the two former candidates said they would respect this decision.

Otto Hasibuan, a lawyer for Prabowo's camp, said the decision was “a victory for all Indonesians.”

Prabowo is expected to take office in October, replacing the hugely popular President Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi.

State interference

Both Anies and Ganjar had separately alleged that there was state interference in favor of Prabowo, who won by a huge margin. They also complained that Prabowo's running mate, the current president's 36-year-old son, should not have been allowed to participate.

In court, they had sought Prabowo's disqualification, arguing that the government's broad distribution of social assistance, including distributions of rice, cash and fertilizer, in key areas had tilted the vote in favor of his favor.

The administration and Prabowo have rejected the allegations. During court hearings, cabinet members denied that the aid influenced voters, while Prabowo, who won 58 percent of the vote, dismissed the claim as baseless.

Judge Arief Hidayat, who cast one of the dissenting votes, argued that the president and state agencies lacked neutrality.

Anies and Ganjar, who won around 25% and 16% of the vote respectively, also alleged that Jokowi's tacit support gave Prabowo an unfair advantage.

Jokowi faced intense scrutiny on the campaign trail, with critics alleging he abused his position to favor Prabowo, in a bid to preserve his legacy after a decade at the helm of the largest economy from Southeast Asia.

The losing candidates also complained to the Constitutional Court about the inclusion of Jokowi's son Gibran Rakabuming Raka as Prabowo's running mate, which was allowed in an October ruling by the same court to modify the eligibility rules.

The chief justice at the time was Jokowi's brother-in-law, who was later reprimanded by an ethics committee for allowing the intervention of an unspecified “external party.” He was banned from participating in election-related matters.

Despite this ethical violation, the judges said Monday that there was no evidence of nepotism or presidential intervention in connection with the decision. -Reuters




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