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Indian Prime Minister Modi and Al-Issa discuss aspects of promoting inter-religious harmony

Indian Prime Minister Modi and Al-Issa discuss aspects of promoting inter-religious harmony


Saudi Gazette report

NEW DELHI Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday received the Secretary General of the Muslim World League (MWL) and Chairman of the Organization of Muslim Scholars, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa at the Prime Minister’s Residence in New Delhi.

During the meeting, they discussed various aspects of promoting interfaith harmony, peace and working for human progress. During the meeting, a number of issues of common interest were discussed, including Indian diversity within the framework of the country’s constitution.

After the meeting, Dr Al-Issa tweeted that he had an insightful discussion with Indian Prime Minister Modi on a variety of issues, including ways to pursue human-centered development and the importance of promoting understanding and harmony between followers of faith and culture. .

He appreciated Modis’ passionate perspective towards inclusive growth.

There was also agreement on the importance of working together to confront all aspects of extremism and hatred, whatever their source and reason, because peace and prosperity in our diverse world cannot be reached only with a conscience and a global citizenship, underlined the head of the MWL.

Further, I have elaborated on the details of this important meeting in my lecture at the Islamic Cultural Center of India, which was delivered after the meeting with His Excellency the Prime Minister; renowned scholars, Muslims and non-Muslims, as well as thinkers and politicians from different states of India, who appreciated and appreciated the conference, attended the conference, Al-Issa said in a statement posted on his Twitter account.

In a tweet, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said: Prime Minister @narendramodi met with HE Sheikh @MhmdAlissa, Secretary General of the Muslim World League @MWLOrg and President of the Muslim Scholars Organization. They had insightful discussions on various aspects of promoting interfaith harmony, peace and working for human progress.

For his part, India’s national security adviser, Ajit Doval, welcomed the head of the MWL. He praised Al-Issa’s relentless efforts to foster interfaith harmony. The only way to deal with differences is through dialogue under the umbrella of coexistence and common interests, and our country is ready to respond to the suggestions made by Dr. Al-Issa, Doval said.

Sheikh Al-Issa attended several programs, functions and receptions during his five-day visit to India, which started on Monday. As part of the visit, he delivered a lecture organized by the Islamic Cultural Center of India to mark the celebration of the visit of the MWL delegation.

Several prominent Indian religious leaders including Muftis, scholars and religious leaders of different faiths and intellectual diversity attended the seminar.

In his lecture, Sheikh Al-Issa highlighted the important milestones of Islamic values, reviewing several models of their civilizational progress. These models called for building bridges of understanding and peace between civilizations, in order to strengthen friendship and cooperation between nations and peoples.

Sheikh Al-Issa pointed out that a Muslim faith leads him to understand the wisdom of God in human diversity, then he realizes that this diversity does not mean fear of the other, estrangement from him or hatred of him, let alone insult, as are the theories and concepts of ignorance, pessimism and extremism.

We touch the different components and diversity with a common goal that we share. We have heard a lot about Indian wisdom and we know that Indian wisdom has contributed a lot to mankind, and we know that we have a common goal to peacefully coexist together, he said.

He added, “We know that the Indian component with all its diversity is an excellent model of coexistence not only in words but also on the ground and we appreciate all the efforts made in this regard.

The Muslim components of Indian society are proud of their nationality, that they are Indian nationals and that they are proud of their Constitution. He also stressed that religious awareness should be a tool to promote understanding, coexistence and cooperation in mutual appreciation and love.

Al-Issa also delivered the Friday sermon and led congregational prayers at India’s historic Jama Masjid in New Delhi. The MWL delegation, led by Al-Issa, concluded its visit on Friday. The visit was in response to an official invitation from the Indian government.




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