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PM Modi dedicates development projects worth at least..

PM Modi dedicates development projects worth at least..


New Delhi, March 16: In a mega bid for the creation of 'Viksit Bharat', Prime Minister Narendra Modi has dedicated several development projects worth at least Rs 8.25 lakh crore in just 14 days this month -this, which is a gigantic record for world building. world-class infrastructure across the spectrum.

“In the 75 days of 2024, projects worth over Rs 11 lakh crore were inaugurated or foundation stones laid while projects worth Rs 7 lakh crore were unveiled in the 10 to last 12 days,” PM Modi remarked earlier this week.

The Prime Minister on Wednesday virtually laid the foundation stone for three semiconductor projects worth Rs 1.25 lakh crore, which took only 15 days to take off after approval from the Union Cabinet .

This takes the total cost of the development projects announced by Prime Minister Modi to around Rs 8.25 lakh crore in just 14 days.

On March 1, Prime Minister Modi laid the foundation stone and dedicated several development projects worth Rs 35,700 crore to the nation in Dhanbad, Jharkhand. Development projects included the fertilizer, rail, power and coal sectors.

On the same day, he laid the foundation stone of several development projects worth Rs 7,200 crore in Arambagh, Hooghly, West Bengal. The development projects were associated with sectors such as rail, ports, oil pipelines, LPG supply and wastewater treatment.

On March 2, the Prime Minister laid the foundation stone for several development projects worth Rs 15,000 crore in Krishnanagar in West Bengal's Nadia district associated with sectors like power, rail and the road.

Addressing the gathering, Prime Minister Modi said this marks another step towards transforming West Bengal into a 'Viksit State'.

Later in the day, the Prime Minister laid the foundation stone for several development projects worth Rs 21,400 crore in Aurangabad, Bihar, which included, among others, road, railway sectors and 'Namami Gange' project “.

On March 4, the Prime Minister laid the foundation stone for several development projects related to power, rail and road sectors worth over Rs 56,000 crore in Adilabad, Telangana.

The next day, he dedicated to the nation several development projects worth over Rs 6,800 crore in Sangareddy, Telangana. These projects encompass key sectors such as road, rail, oil, aviation and natural gas.

Later, Prime Minister Modi announced development projects worth over Rs 19,600 crore in Chandikhole, Odisha, related to sectors such as oil and gas, railways, roads, transport and highways and atomic energy.

On March 6, the Prime Minister inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of several connectivity projects worth Rs 15,400 crore in Kolkata, aimed at the urban mobility sector, including the Metro Rail and Regional Rail Transit System. rapid common (RRTS).

On March 9, Prime Minister Modi laid the foundation stone for several development projects worth over Rs 17,500 crore in Jorhat, Assam, related to healthcare, oil and gas, rail and housing.

The next day, the Prime Minister laid the foundation stone for multiple development initiatives worth over Rs 34,000 crore at an event in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh.

“Azamgarh, which was among the backward regions, is today writing a new chapter of development,” PM Modi said.

On March 11, the Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of 112 national highway projects spread across the country, worth around Rs 1 lakh crore, in Gurugram, Haryana.

Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister said that today the nation has taken another important step towards modern connectivity.

Prime Minister Modi said that in less than three months in 2024, projects worth over Rs 10 lakh crore have either been dedicated to the nation or the foundation stone has been laid.

On March 12, the Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of various development projects worth over Rs 1,06,000 crore at the Operations Control Center of the Dedicated Freight Corridor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

As part of India's semiconductor policy, Prime Minister Modi laid the foundation stone of three semiconductor projects worth around Rs 1.25 lakh crore through video conferencing.

The inaugurated facilities are Semiconductor Manufacturing Facility at Dholera Special Investment Region (DSIR), Gujarat, Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Testing (OSAT) Facility at Morigaon, Assam and the outsourced semiconductor assembly and test (OSAT) facility in Sanand, Gujarat.

With all these announcements, the Prime Minister emphasized that the development work for the creation of 'Viksit Bharat' is continuously expanding.

(The content of this article comes from a news agency and has not been edited by the ap7am team.)




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