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80s Hollywood legend, 68, unrecognizable 44 years after hit film

80s Hollywood legend, 68, unrecognizable 44 years after hit film


Legend of 80s cinema, 68 years old, unrecognizable 44 years after a hit film

80s film legend Debra Winger now looks unrecognizable, 44 years after her hit film (Photo: Rex)

'80s Hollywood legend Debra Winger looks completely unrecognizable, 44 years after starring in the hit film Urban Cowboy.

The actress, now 68, rose to fame in Hollywood hits such as An Officer and a Gentleman and Terms of Endearment.

She was perhaps best known for her 1980 romantic drama, Urban Cowboy, in which she played the spunky love interest of John Travolta.

Debra was nominated for a number of awards for her performance in the film, including a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress and a Bafta for Most Promising Newcomer in a Leading Film Role.

However, the star emerged from the shadows in the mid-90s and did not appear on the big screen again for six years after the release of the film Forget Paris in 1995.

Debra, now 68, recently stepped out to appear at the Drive Away Dolls premiere in New York.

Debra Winger and her son Gideon Babe Ruth Howard

Debra appeared with her son Gideon Babe Ruth Howard at the premiere of Drive-Away Dolls (Photo: Evan Agostini)

Wearing her curly hair a now natural silver, the actress wore a dark blazer with a blue blouse, dark baggy pants and chunky black boots.

She accessorized with a multi-colored checkered scarf, while a pair of dark-rimmed glasses highlighted her sparkling blue eyes.

Debra was accompanied by her son, Gideon Babe Ruth Howard, 26, who posed with his mother for a series of photos on the red carpet.

Although she looks unrecognizable from her movie heyday, she maintains a similar sense of fashion, including her thick, once-brunette curls and minimal makeup.

Debra is best known for her role in Urban Cowboy (Photo: Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Debra starred alongside Richard Gere in An Officer and a Gentleman (Photo: Everett/REX/Shutterstock)

During her time away from Hollywood, the actress worked as a lecturer at Harvard University and even wrote a book about her retirement from acting.

In her memoir, she describes how she chose to step away from the big screen to forge a life beyond acting.

I love the work, she wrote. And I don't care much about the company.

In addition to her nominations for Urban Cowboy, the actress won the National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actress in 1984 and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for An Officer and a Gentleman, Terms of Endearment and Shadowlands.

In 1996, Debra married writer/director Arliss Howard, whom she met on the set of the film Wilder Napalm. They have three children together, one each from a previous marriage, plus a son Gideon, born in 1997.

Debra Winfer

A pair of thick glasses shows off Debras' striking blue eyes (Photo: Shutterstock)

Before meeting Arliss, Debra was married to actor Timothy Hutton, with whom she had her first son, Noah Hutton.

Wingers' profile has risen further in recent years, with the actress starring as Maggie Bennett in Netflix's hit soap opera, The Ranch.

Since her return to acting, she has also appeared in episodes of Law & Order, Mr. Corman and In Treatment.

In 2014, she won the TIFF Lifetime Achievement Award.

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