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Explore health implications at Rochester Climate Change Summit

Explore health implications at Rochester Climate Change Summit


ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The health impacts of climate change cannot be solved alone.

“Climate change is a problem so large and complex that no organization or individual can tackle it alone,” said Abby McHugh Griffa, executive director of the Climate Solutions Accelerator.

What you need to know

  • A recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change showed that greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are responsible for accelerating global warming and climate change.
  • Climate change affects nearly every aspect of our lives, from where we work to what we eat.
  • Climate change affects our health in both the short and long term

This is why the annual Climate Solutions Summit calls for solidarity.

“Climate change is an issue that impacts our health in our region today, so we focus on engaging health professionals, social service providers, and equity advocates in local climate movements. “We're putting it there,” McHughriffa said.

The summit brings together medical experts to brainstorm health solutions.

“I play a big role in teaching the next generation of emergency physicians, and linking that with climate change…Climate change is the biggest threat in our lifetime. 'And how do we teach a new generation of doctors to effectively care for patients in a changing environment?' said Valerie Roux, assistant professor of emergency medicine and assistant program director at the University of Rochester Medical Center.

The summit will cover a wide range of topics from dust mites to asthma.

“Many of my patients try their best to control their asthma by using inhalers or steroids when it worsens, but sometimes they just can't control it. “What's happening with the quality of things?'' Lu said.

The goal is to raise awareness and offer solutions.

“As a doctor, what I can do is tell their stories and show them what we are doing about carbon emissions from transportation and energy sourcing in buildings that are causing problems for my patients. “It's about telling them that we're exacerbating the conditions that cause wildfires,” Lu said. He said.

In 2019, New York State passed the nation's leading climate change bill, the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.

“But enforcement of that law is really going to be up to the localities,” McHugh-Griffa said.

It is important to reflect on local efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to help the environment and patients.

“As a society, we need to do better for them. There is much we can do to combat climate change, but at the same time make our regions better and more livable places. It’s just a matter of doing it,” McHugh-Griffa said.




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