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Donald Trump is 'finished' based on the evidence, legal analyst predicts

Donald Trump is 'finished' based on the evidence, legal analyst predicts


Legal analyst Glenn Kirschner predicted that former President Donald Trump was “done” in the hush money case against him, based on the evidence.

Trump, the presumptive 2024 GOP presidential nominee, faces 34 counts of falsifying business records related to reimbursements made to ex-attorney Michael Cohen for $130,000 in secret payments Cohen made to adult film star Stormy Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford. during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign in a criminal case brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Daniels alleged she had an affair with Trump in 2006, which he denied. Trump has maintained his innocence and pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Appearing on a recent episode of the Stephanie Miller Show, Kirschner, a former assistant U.S. attorney and frequent Trump critic, said: “Based on the evidence, Donald Trump is done. »

He then pointed to paragraph 19 of the Statement of Facts filed in April 2023. This paragraph describes how “defendant,” Trump, allegedly ordered “attorney A,” Cohen, to delay payment to “woman 2 “, Daniels, until after the 2016 election, so “they could avoid paying altogether, because at that point it wouldn't matter if the story became public.”

However, “with pressure mounting and the election approaching,” Trump allegedly ordered Cohen to make the payment, according to the statement of facts.

Kirschner claimed that “the jury is going to look down on this big orange guy because not only does he have this relationship with Stormy Daniels right after his son was born, not only does he make this dirty deal to pay her to keep his mouth.” . firm, but then he wants to stiff her on payment.

Trump's wife, former first lady Melania Trump, gave birth to their son Barron Trump months before the reported affair occurred.

Newsweek reached out to Trump's spokesperson and lawyer via email for comment.

Former President Donald Trump is seen during his criminal trial as jury selection continues Friday at Manhattan Criminal Court in New York. Legal analyst Glenn Kirschner predicted that Trump would be “done” in the… Former President Donald Trump is seen during his criminal trial as jury selection continues at Manhattan Criminal Court on Friday in New York . Legal analyst Glenn Kirschner predicted that Trump was “done” in the hush money case against him, based on the evidence. More Sarah Yenesel – Swimming Pool/Getty Images

Jury selection for the historic trial concluded Friday and opening statements are expected to begin Monday. This is the first criminal case of four Trump is currently facing and the first criminal trial of a president in U.S. history. Trump has also pleaded not guilty to all charges against him in the other indictments.

Although the affair with Daniels and the alleged cash payment that followed generated the most buzz, another key element is Bragg's claim that Trump was trying to influence an election.

In the second paragraph of the statement of facts, Bragg asserts: “From August 2015 to December 2017, the defendant orchestrated a scheme with others to influence the 2016 presidential election by identifying and purchasing negative information from its subject in order to suppress its publication and benefit the interests of the defendant. electoral prospects. »

In a post on Truth Social, his social media platform, Trump wrote Friday that he was the victim of election interference.

He called the case “a scam caused by a corrupt district attorney, Alvin Bragg…working with Crooked.” [President] Joe Biden's DOJ, IN ORDER TO HARM HIS POLITICAL OPPONENT, ME. This is election interference on a level never before seen in the United States of America. MAGA2024!”

The financial silence case is not a federal matter and is not being prosecuted by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). There is no evidence to suggest that Biden had any connection to Trump's indictment or influence over the outcome of the trial.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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