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PM Modi's southbound outreach continues, holds roadshow in Palakkad, Kerala | Latest news India

PM Modi's southbound outreach continues, holds roadshow in Palakkad, Kerala |  Latest news India


Prime Minister Narendra Modi undertook a roadshow in Palakkad district of Kerala on Tuesday (March 19). The tour started after 10:45 am from Kottamaidan anchuvilakku, heading towards the main post office of the city.

PM Modi holds roadshow in Palakkad in Kerala (ANI)
PM Modi holds roadshow in Palakkad in Kerala (ANI)

Ahead of Modi's roadshow, the Bharatiya Janata Party took out a bike rally in the city on Monday evening. Modi's tour to Palakkad follows his recent participation in a public meeting in Pathanamthitta town on March 15, where he rallied support for NDA candidates contesting in southern Kerala constituencies.

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Addressing the rally at Pathanamthitta, Modi had said: The Lotus will bloom in Kerala in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls and attacked the ruling Left and the Congress-led UDF, alleging that the people of the state have endured hardship under a beleaguered government. through corruption and incompetence.

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In Kerala, the LDF and the UDF engaged in apparent conflict but united in Delhi. The Congress calls the left-wing government fascist, while the communists criticize the Congress for corruption. However, they are forming alliances in the capital. Both sides have largely misled Kerala. The people of Kerala have now realized this deception, he added.

The Prime Minister has visited the southern state several times this year. He also visited famous temples in Kerala.

Earlier on Monday, the Prime Minister visited Shivamogga and Coimbatore in Karnataka's Tamil Nadu. Attacking the Congress-led state government, PM Modi said, “Congress leaders are only capable of telling blatant lies. The Congress in Karnataka has many CM aspirants who continue to blame Modi and the central government for their ineffectiveness. It is high time for the people of Karnataka to eliminate and clean up the state Congress in this general election.

The Prime Minister on Monday also paid floral tribute to the portraits of victims of the 1998 Tamil Nadus Coimbatore blasts. The Prime Minister then organized a roadshow in the city. The Prime Minister's roadshow began near Saibaba Temple on Mettupalayam Road and ended at RS Puram.

As traditional music was played to welcome him, several of them also danced and waved enthusiastically.

(With inputs from PTI)




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