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How the brutal killing of three Syrians in Turkey is pushing more migrants to Europe

How the brutal killing of three Syrians in Turkey is pushing more migrants to Europe


Syrian migrants earn just 3,000 Turkish liras a month, around 70 pounds less than the mandatory minimum wage of 17,200 Turkish liras.

The three Syrians killed, for example, were barely making ends meet by working on various construction sites in Guzelbahce, or in the beautiful garden, an upscale neighborhood of Izmir, a pleasant and gentle holiday destination, popular with Turks and foreigners.

The murder investigation and subsequent trial, like the graves, have been largely forgotten in Turkey, except for a handful of human rights lawyers and refugee advocates.

In recent years, they have pushed tirelessly for a final court ruling to specifically identify hatred and discrimination as the primary motive for the killings, and classify these heinous killings as a hate crime, creating a new legal precedent in Turkey.

Such a result, qualifying it as a hate crime, would represent a historic decision for Turkey. So far, no court in the country has ruled this way.

There was a strong motivation for this, as the accused, Kemal Korukmaz, had admitted earlier. Evidence and testimony presented in court also indicated that he had talked about cleansing Turkey of Syrians, including wanting to kill them, in the weeks before the crime.

Your views on hate motives will set a precedent for future laws, Zafer Incin, one of five lawyers representing the victims' families, told judges at the final hearing Wednesday. We believe that emphasizing the hate motive in this decision will pave the way for legal developments in Parliament.

But on Wednesday, an Izmir court sentenced Korukmaz to life in prison, as expected, but did not issue a final judgment mentioning hatred as a motive, much to the disappointment of the victims' families and lawyers.

Activists have criticized Turkish courts for being reluctant to do so, as it would open a Pandora's box and lead to a deluge of requests to review cases.

If the decision were made, hundreds of cases could be opened, and not just concerning Syrian refugees, said Taha el-Gazi, a Syrian human rights activist in Turkey. Many files should be reopened.

The presence of more than a dozen armed riot police, some in plain clothes, in the courtroom for the final hearing underscored the politically sensitive nature of the case.

Even the defendants' lawyer declined to speak on the record to The Telegraph, saying he was concerned about public retaliation for representing Mr. Korukmaz, another example demonstrating the difficult circumstances of the case.

There is no access to justice

Activists say hundreds of violent incidents against Syrians have taken place across Turkey, although few of them reach a day of trial. About a dozen such cases are currently pending in various courts across the country, said Ms. Nen, who follows and attends court proceedings.

These attacks have a real deterrent effect on the whole community, Ms Sinclair-Webb said.

People are very afraid to complain; They find it difficult to report to the police if they are the victim of a crime itself, because it can get them into trouble rather than prompting an investigation into the real perpetrator, she said. There is a real feeling that there is no access to justice.

I miss everything about Mamoun, Ahmed al-Nabhan, 33, said of his late brother, whom he cradled in his arms as a newborn. Our mother was devastated; she has been in mourning since she learned of Mamoun's death.




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