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Concrete action is needed in Pakistan

Concrete action is needed in Pakistan


The new coalition logically resembles the previous one, considered weak. Once again, Shehbaz Sharif is the Prime Minister. He is the brother of the more charismatic Nawaz Sharif who was head of government several times. Their Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) has again forged an alliance with its rival, the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), and several smaller parties. The leader of the PPP is Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari, the son of Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan's only female prime minister, who was assassinated during the 2007 election campaign. Asif Zardari, co-chairman of the PPP, was elected president of the country for the second time .

This awkward alliance fell on hard times during the recent campaign. Although populist former Prime Minister Imran Khan was convicted of corruption and breaching government secrets, he remains very popular. The Supreme Court ruled that candidates from his party PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) could not run under his name because he had not carried out the internal bolts properly. They therefore ran as independents and won a significant number of seats in three of the four provincial assemblies.

Immediately after the elections, various foreign parties and governments expressed their criticism. Khans PTI staged protests and claimed he was injured by cheating. Several participants were arrested and the rallies were disrupted. Some of those arrested are prominent figures. The Free and Fair Elections Network, to which several civil society organizations belong, also expressed doubts, saying for example that results were being published too slowly.

The mandate of the new parliament is weak as the voter turnout rate fell by another five percentage points to 47%. One reason is that the government cut off internet and mobile phone networks on election day, so people who rely on digital services like Uber had a harder time getting to polling stations.

The fragile security situation certainly also contributed to the low voter turnout. Before the elections, terrorist attacks had caused casualties in the provinces of Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Some were carried out by the terrorist militia ISIS, which wants to undermine Pakistan's democratic development. Further violence followed during the elections. For example, an influential politician from the National Democratic Movement (NDM) party was seriously injured.

Security is just one of the issues the new government must urgently address. It must also control inflation and stabilize the economy. In addition, the country must be prepared for the heavy monsoon rains that will soon begin. Disaster preparedness and electricity supply need to be improved as Pakistan is increasingly exposed to unpredictable climate impacts. Air pollution is also a major problem, especially in large urban areas. The country's infrastructure is poor, not just in health and education.

In its platform, the PML-N promised better electricity supply, economic reforms and support for various sectors, including IT, agriculture, tourism and electric vehicles. The PPP focused on education and renewable energy issues. There are, however, reasons to doubt whether the coalition parties can meet such expectations. Indeed, the new government has already failed to place women in leadership positions. Only one woman is among the 21 members of the new cabinet. Provincial cabinets also fail to achieve gender parity.

Pakistanis are facing severe hardship due to economic crisis and various natural disasters. As devastating floods once again submerge large parts of Balochistan, they are tired of hearing political rhetoric on news channels. The government faces enormous challenges. Otherwise, it will fail to inspire new confidence in democratic institutions. Achieving this is arguably its most important task, given the deep frustration of masses of citizens.

Marva Khan is an Assistant Professor of Law at LUMS (Lahore University of Management Sciences) and co-founder of the Pakistani Feminist Judgments [email protected]




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