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Xi Jinping meets US CEOs in bid to strengthen Sino-US trade ties TradingView News

Xi Jinping meets US CEOs in bid to strengthen Sino-US trade ties TradingView News


Chinas President Xi Jinping met with American business leaders in Beijing to revive foreign investment interests.

What happened: Reuters reported that President Xi Jinping met with U.S. business leaders at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Wednesday. About twenty companies participated in the meeting, which lasted approximately 90 minutes.

The meeting was organized by the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, the U.S.-China Business Council and the Asia Society think tank. The three organizations have not yet commented on the meeting.

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Notable participants included Stephen Schwarzmanco-founder and CEO of a private equity firm Pierre Noire Inc B.X., Raj Subramaniamboss of the American delivery giant FedEx Corp. FDXAnd Cristiano Amonthe boss of the potato chip manufacturer Qualcomm Inc. QCOMaccording to state media.

The meeting comes after a decline in foreign direct investment in China, attributed to concerns over new regulations, including an anti-espionage law, exit bans and raids on consulting and due diligence firms.

Why is this important: Meeting between President Xi and US business leaders is significant in the fluctuating context US-China relations. It comes at a time when U.S. intelligence agencies are warning of an increasingly fragile global order due to challenges posed by China and Russia, the United States' two main rivals.

China has set an ambitious target 5% growth target for 2024, aiming to rethink its economic model. However, this objective is called into question by the post-Covid recovery and the country's structural imbalances. Despite the low valuation of China, Goldman Sachs warned against investments in China due to the lack of clarity in the country's political and economic data.

Read next: Tim Cooks' recent visit to China aimed to send clear message to Xi Jinping, says top analyst: Apple commits to China

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