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PTI sounds alarm over verdicts against Imran

PTI sounds alarm over verdicts against Imran



Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders have cast a shadow of doubt on court rulings against their party founder Imran Khan following a shocking letter from six judges of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) addressed to the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC). ).

PTI leaders seized on the explosive letter, saying recent court decisions against their incarcerated leader had been tainted by undue influence creeping into court cases and therefore lacked any legitimacy.

Addressing a press conference on Wednesday, PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Khan, accompanied by General Secretary Omar Ayub and Information Secretary Raoof Hasan, highlighted the unprecedented nature of the letter, calling it ” first of its kind.”

Gohar highlighted the alleged pressures judges would face, suggesting outside influences aimed at swaying arbitrary decisions, which he said undermined judicial independence.

“The judges are running out of patience,” he added. The PTI leader said the judges' letter cites the Tyrian White case, adding that the Toshakhana case is also an example.

He maintained that undue influence had an impact on the judges of the sessions court, adding that six judges of the IHC were also pressured. Gohar cited alleged interference in court cases as the reason why Imran was convicted in three different cases in five days.

He criticized the previous coalition government, which took over after Imran was ousted through a no-confidence motion in April 2022, for allegedly fabricating 200 cases against the PTI founder. “The PTI founding president was not given a fair trial in any of the cases.

In light of this letter, the legality of the decisions against Imran is now lost. Today we ask the Supreme Court to constitute a broader jurisdiction on this issue,” declared the party president. PTI chief Omar Ayub agreed with Gohar's statement, calling the judges' letter a harsh indictment of the current justice system.

Ayub vowed to raise the issue in both the National Assembly (NA) and the Senate.

Read PTI plans nationwide campaign for Imran's release

The letter

Six IHC judges – Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kiyani, Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri, Justice Babar Sattar, Justice Sardar Ejaz Ishaq Khan, Justice Arbab Muhammad Tahir and Justice Saman Rafat Imtiaz – wrote a letter to the SJC directed by Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa. , expressing concerns about intelligence agencies' “interference” in legal matters.

“We therefore request that a judicial convention be convened to examine the issue of interference by intelligence officers in judicial functions and/or intimidation of judges in a manner that undermines the independence of the judicial authority.”

The open letter, a copy of which was sent to all SC judges, notes that such a convention could provide additional information about whether judges in other higher courts have had similar experiences.

“Such institutional consultation could then help the Supreme Court to consider how best to protect the independence of the judiciary, to put in place a mechanism to assign responsibility to those who undermine that independence and to clarify, for the benefit of each judge, the course of action they should take. must take when they find themselves victims of interference and/or intimidation from members of the executive.

The move comes just days after the apex court's recent ruling, which found the removal of former IHC judge Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui illegal, decreeing his status as a retired judge.




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