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With Imran behind bars, PTI's leadership crisis continues

With Imran behind bars, PTI's leadership crisis continues


The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) thought it had resolved its leadership crisis after electing leaders to manage the party's affairs, both inside and outside Parliament, even though its top-level leaders remain incarcerated. The recent outbursts, however, show that the party remains mired in a leadership crisis, with newcomers claiming authority within the party.

This is causing confusion within the party ranks over the PTI's final position on key issues, causing some fissures to appear. Amid this confusion, a host of new faces have recently emerged within the party and are influencing party policy, which is vexing for long-time “loyalist” members of the party.

Earlier this month, the PTI elected unopposed lawyer Gohar Ali Khan as the party's new president in an intra-party election that was found acceptable by the Supreme Court and the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) . The inability to hold such elections before was cited as the main reason by both state institutions for withdrawing the party symbol and therefore its electoral program at the last minute.

Omar Ayub Khan was also elected as general secretary. Even though lawyer Gohar was chosen by party founder Imran Khan for the role, many party faithful are divided over his appointment and see him as an outsider parachuted in to usurp power.

Omar Ayub Khan, who was chosen as the party's parliamentary leader and appointed leader of the opposition in the National Assembly, is also seen by some as an outsider compared to party stalwarts who have spent decades in the party.

The vacuum created by the incarceration or disappearance of the party's most senior leaders since May 9, 2023 means that party members remaining remain skeptical of the “B team” which is calling the shots within the party. It doesn't help when the party remains divided on where to stand or act on various issues and publicly bickers over the best path.

Former Prime Minister and PTI founder Imran Khan, however, continues to make key decisions behind bars. He recently approved the appointment of Omar Ayub as the party's parliamentary leader and leader of the opposition in the National Assembly. Besides, he had approved the name of PTI member Sher Afzal Marwat as the party's candidate for the key post of chairman of the Public Accounts Committee – the indigenous accountability body of Parliament.

Under the Charter of Democracy (CoD) – signed by the main parliamentary parties except the PTI – the post of PAC chairman is given to the opposition in order to keep the government in check. In the past, the leader of the opposition in the National Assembly also assumed the role of leader of the PAC. This parliamentary tradition, however, was disrupted during the 14th National Assembly (NA) when former PTI member Noor Alam Khan was appointed chairman of the committee in place of opposition leader Raja Riaz.

Even though the party has appointed Omar Ayub Khan as the Leader of Opposition, by filing the required documents in the National Assembly secretariat, the Speaker of the National Assembly is yet to take any action on the matter.

The argument put forward by some is that Omar Auyb Khan and all other members of the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) are not qualified for the constitutional post because the SIC was not a party that registered members with of the ECP to run in the February 8 elections. Some members claim that all SIC members who were elected to Parliament had run as independent candidates, including party leader Sahibzada Hamid Raza. Therefore, the SIC cannot be considered a parliamentary party and therefore cannot be granted the position of leader of the opposition.

Speaking about the uncertainty surrounding the party's leadership, former federal interior minister Shehryar Afridi told Friday Times that there was always room for improvement.

“Even though there is some confusion due to the temporary vacuum in the party leadership, things will definitely improve,” Afridi said hopeful, adding that those who succeed will be promoted in position and in power.

Asked about the impression that the party's current approach was directionless, he countered by saying that there are minor divisions in all political parties and the PTI was not the only one to suffer such a scenario.

When contacted, PTI's chief legal advisor Shoaib Shaheen refuted this, saying all major decisions are finalized as per the direction set by the party leadership.

“The impression of dominance of some new faces is not 100% true,” he told the Friday Times, citing the example of the appointment of Omar Ayub as opposition leader in the National Assembly, who has been part of the party for some time. . He said the party is going through a difficult time with its main leadership still in prison, and so it will take some time for its secondary leadership to find its true form.

To a question on the nomination of the opposition leader, he said National Assembly Speaker Ayaz Sadiq should not delay the issue. “It may be considered bad intention to delay the matter.

Earlier, internal divisions were reported within the ranks of the PTI leadership over the distribution of tickets, with accusations that the tickets were sold for millions rather than recognizing their merit.

Former Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance and Health Minister and PTI member Taimur Khan Jhagra had opposed granting ticket to Sher Afzal Marwat to contest the February 8 elections in Peshawar. He had claimed that a PTI member from Peshawar had gone to contest the elections from the concerned constituency. He had also highlighted some of Marwat's controversial statements in the media among his arguments for not granting the ticket to Marwat. In the end, however, Marwat got a ticket and he was elected.




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