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Trump attends wake of murdered New York police officer

Trump attends wake of murdered New York police officer


MASSAPEQUA PARK, N.Y. (AP) Donald Trump attended the wake Thursday of a New York City police officer shot in the line of duty, as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee made crime a goal of his third White House campaign and accused President Joe Biden of lacking tenacity.

The visit by Officer Jonathan Diller, who was fatally shot during a traffic stop Monday, was in suburban Massapequa. Police said Diller, 31, was shot under his body armor as he approached an illegally parked car in Queens.

Diller, married with a 1-year-old son, was rushed to the hospital, where he died.

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Trump's visit comes as Biden was also in New York for a planned fundraiser with Democratic ex-presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Trump's campaign released social media posts contrasting his visit with Biden's fundraising.

Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung, in a post on a glitzy fundraiser in the city with their elitist, out-of-touch celebrity benefactors.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Thursday that the president had spoken with the mayor of New York, but she said she had no private communications to share when asked asked if Biden had spoken to the slain officer's family. Jean-Pierre said the administration's thoughts are with the officers' families.

Speaking aboard Air Force One, she said Biden had supported law enforcement throughout his career and took a dig at Trump's record. Violent crime increased under the previous administration, Jean-Pierre said. The Biden-Harris administration did just the opposite, taking decisive action early on to defund the police and achieve a historic reduction in crime.

Trump, who was accompanied by some of his top campaign advisers during his visit, shook hands with New York Police Commissioner Edward Caban, as well as Nassau County police and government officials as he entered the funeral home.

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Trump has bemoaned crime in predominantly Democratic cities, called for shoplifters to be taken down immediately and wants to immunize police officers from prosecution for potential misconduct. But he has also demonized local prosecutors, the FBI and the Justice Department over the criminal charges he faces and the investigation while president into his first campaign's interactions with Russia.

He also welcomed those who were imprisoned for their roles during the January 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, when an angry mob of his supporters overran police lines and Capitol Police officers and local police were attacked and beaten.

Trump's campaign did not provide further details about his appearance or whether he planned to speak.

President Trump is moved by the invitation to join the family and colleagues of New York Police Officer Jonathan Diller as they cope with his tragic and senseless death, campaign spokeswoman said Trump, Karoline Leavitt, in a statement.

Massapequa and surrounding South Shore towns have long been a popular destination for city police and firefighters looking to establish a foothold on Long Island. The road leading to the funeral home was painted with a thin blue line, a symbol used as a sign of police solidarity, and the road was flanked by American flags and American flags with a thin blue line.

Parked nearby were two pickup trucks emblazoned with pro-Trump stickers and flags bearing his slogan Make America Great Again. Dozens of supporters wearing Trump paraphernalia stood nearby in the pouring rain.

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The former president and his supporters sought a similar split screen with Biden earlier this month as they attacked the president for crime and illegal immigration while they both campaigned in Georgia. During his visit to the state, Trump met with the family of murdered nursing student Laken Riley. An immigrant from Venezuela who entered the United States illegally is charged in her death.

Trump posted about Diller's death on his social media network Tuesday, offering prayers to Diller's family and appreciation for law enforcement. He also called the shooter a thug and noted that police said the shooter had been arrested numerous times before, saying he should NEVER have been released back onto the streets.

Diller was the first New York City police officer killed in the line of duty in two years.

The previous line of duty death was the fatal shooting of two New York City police officers, and the day after the second funeral, Biden visited the police department's headquarters and spoke to officers and senior graded.

Biden has pledged that the federal government will work more closely with police to combat gun violence and crack down on illegal weapons.

Price reported from New York. Associated Press writer Colleen Long, aboard Air Force One, contributed to this report.




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