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Trump again invokes bloodshed, dehumanizes migrants in border remarks

Trump again invokes bloodshed, dehumanizes migrants in border remarks


Former President Donald J. Trump on Tuesday again characterized President Biden's record on immigration in violent and disturbing terms, accusing him in two speeches in conflicting states of creating a bloodbath in the border and once again using dehumanizing language to describe some migrants entering the country illegally.

In a speech in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Mr. Trump, accompanied by law enforcement officials, reiterated his baseless claim that other countries were sending prisoners, murderers, drug dealers, mentally ill people and terrorists, the worst they have. Immigration officials have said most people crossing the border are members of vulnerable families fleeing poverty and violence.

Mr. Trump also used his speech, which lasted about 45 minutes, to defend his use of dehumanizing language to refer to immigrants accused of crimes. After referring to the man who authorities say killed a 22-year-old nursing student in Georgia in February, Mr. Trump said: Democrats said don't call them animals. I said no, they're not humans, they're animals.

Mr Trump attracted attention last month when, while discussing the US auto industry, he predicted a bloodbath for the country if he lost in November. After critics accused him of stoking violence, Mr. Trump and his allies recalled Mr. Biden, insisting he was responsible for bloodshed over his immigration policies.

The former president has repeatedly criticized Mr. Biden, accusing him of maintaining lax border security that he blames for violent crime, although available data does not support the idea that migrants contribute to the increase in crime.

Mr. Trump's campaign appears to be trying to turn the bloodbath into a slogan, essentially by trolling his critics and shifting the focus to Mr. Biden. On Tuesday, the Republican National Committee, which the Trump campaign now effectively controls, introduced a website,, that reflects Mr. Trump's argument that Mr. Biden is responsible for an invasion at the state border -United with Mexico. The site highlights a number of violent crimes in which undocumented immigrants have been accused.

But his remarks in Michigan and at a rally later in Green Bay, Wis., also demonstrated how the former president tried to stoke fears about immigration and border security during the election. 2024, a tactic he used successfully in 2016, to keep the issue at the top of voters' minds in an effort to reduce Mr. Biden's support.

This is changing the country, threatening the country and destroying the country, Mr. Trump said in Michigan of migrants crossing the southern border. They destroyed our country.

Democrats opposed this framework. Ahead of Mr. Trump's visit, the Democratic National Committee put up billboards near Grand Rapids referencing a bipartisan border bill that collapsed in the Senate after Mr. Trump pressed Republicans to approve it. to block. The billboards claimed that Donald Trump had crossed the border and that the former president only wanted chaos, not solutions.

Mr. Trump's speeches in the two states were his first campaign events after a weeklong hiatus, during which he raised money, battled legal issues and lambasted his political and legal opponents on social media.

Mr. Trump has used high-profile crimes involving immigrants to try to make inroads in key battleground states, including Michigan and Wisconsin, linking the influx of migrants to the southern border with states located in hundreds of kilometers.

On Tuesday, he said the once-peaceful Michigan suburb was being overrun and discussed the recent killing of Ruby Garcia, who was found dead on the side of a highway in Grand Rapids last month. Authorities said Ms. Garcia was dating the man accused of her murder, who entered the country illegally as a child and was deported to Mexico in 2020.

Michigan Democrats blasted Mr. Trump's references to Ms. Garcia in his remarks before her appearance. Senator Debbie Stabenow, Democrat of Michigan, said Mr Trump was exploiting Ms Garcia's death and called his response shameful. And while Mr. Trump said in Michigan that he had spoken with some members of Ms. Garcia's family, her sister told a local television station that Mr. Trump had not spoken to us.

Before Mr. Trump's speech in Michigan, his campaign distributed materials to reporters highlighting other people the campaign said had been affected by crimes involving undocumented immigrants. Among them was Laken Riley, the Georgia nursing student whose death became a flashpoint among Republicans. Authorities say Ms. Riley was killed by a Venezuelan migrant who entered the country illegally.

Pete Hoekstra, chairman of the Michigan Republican Party, said immigration and the economy are clearly going to dominate the debate here in Michigan. He added that he thought the state's voters were looking at what was happening at the border and it was hard for them to believe exactly what they were seeing, which was that there was no rule of law.

Both Michigan and Wisconsin were part of the so-called blue wall that Democrats had counted on for two decades before the 2016 race, when Mr. Trump won over white, working-class voters who make up key parts of the electorate in both states.

Mr. Biden won both states in 2020, although Mr. Trump falsely claimed at his rally in Wisconsin, where his presidential primaries were being held on Tuesday, that he had won by a wide margin and insisted that the The election had been stolen from him.

Democrats also won gubernatorial elections in both states in 2018 and defended their seats in 2022, in part by making protecting abortion access central to their elections.

The party continued its efforts Tuesday to make abortion rights a key theme of its campaign. Although Mr. Biden did not hold public campaign events, his campaign relied on a ruling Monday by the Florida Supreme Court that allowed the state to ban abortion for six weeks, but also put abortion access on the ballot this fall.

There is no indication that Mr. Biden will devote significant time and resources to the Florida contest. But his campaign released a television ad it plans to air in battleground states, including Michigan and Wisconsin, that attacked Mr. Trump for statements claiming credit for the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022.

Brian Hughes, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign, addressed the Florida ruling, saying in a statement that Mr. Trump supports state rights and believes voters should have the final say.

Mr. Trump did not mention abortion, or his role in appointing three of the Supreme Court justices who helped overturn Roe, at either event. But after his remarks in Michigan, he responded to a reporter's question about the Florida decision by saying his campaign would make a statement next week on abortion.

A spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee, Aida Ross, said in a statement: We don't have to wait until next week to find out where Donald Trump stands on abortion: he's peddling the same anti-abortion extremism. -choice for years.

Reid J. Epstein contributed reporting from Washington.




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