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Boris Johnson 'full of enthusiasm' about Poilievre Tories, but advocates 'agenda' for climate change

Boris Johnson 'full of enthusiasm' about Poilievre Tories, but advocates 'agenda' for climate change


Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson praised the Conservative Party of Canada during a visit to Ottawa.

He was interviewed alongside former Australian leader Tony Abbott by John O'Sullivan, the latter of whom helped found the National Post.

Johnson, who led the UK's Conservative Party until MPs removed him from power in 2022, said it was “fantastic” to be in Canada.

“There is this incredible feeling that the Conservative Party [of Canada] is not only resurgent, but ready to achieve victory. »

He added, apparently angry at his successor Rishi Sunak: “Wouldn't it be wonderful if this vibrancy of this Canadian conservatism could somehow be communicated to the UK?”

Johnson made the remarks Wednesday at the Canada Strong and Free Networking conference.

He, Abbott and O'Sullivan agreed on most issues – including Western support for Ukraine and Israel – but Johnson's passion for the net zero movement put him at odds with his interlocutors.

He said he was once a “massive climate change skeptic” who used to “write terrible things” about environmentalism.

But, he added, once in power, he “brought in the scientists” to discuss the climate and was convinced by their arguments.

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<p dir=“It’s possible it’s a bunch of nonsense,” he said. “But it’s also possible… what these scientists were telling me, they were saying – you know, the graphs were absolutely… certain.”

He then declared that he had chosen to believe the scientists after having chosen to “take the gamble Pascal's bet.”

“If I’m wrong, I really haven’t lost anything,” he added. “If I'm right, then…it will have saved humanity…a lot of misery.”

He said that “as conservatives” it is crucial not to tell young people “that we reject the whole agenda.”

“Elections are won by the party that actually owns the future,” he said. “I'm very excited about what's happening here in Canada, but I think people want to see that there is a plan and a program to address this problem in a conservative way.”

The former journalist, however, injected some of his characteristic irreverence into the debate, suggesting that Canada “could definitely face some global warming” given that “it's barely spring here.”

But he urged conservatives to support technology, including nuclear power, as a way to reduce carbon emissions.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, who has made the carbon tax central to his political agenda, has also said he wants to use technology – including hydroelectric dams, nuclear power plants and tidal energy systems – to reduce shows.




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