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Kamala Harris Blames Donald Trump for Arizona Abortion Ban

Kamala Harris Blames Donald Trump for Arizona Abortion Ban


In a speech Friday, Vice President Kamala Harris will explicitly accuse Donald Trump of recently upholding Arizona's near-total ban on abortion, castigating the former president on an issue that is expected to dominate the election. State this fall.

In her remarks in Tucson, Harris will condemn what she perceives as an attack on women's rights and portray Arizona's abortion ban as a direct result of Trump-era policies and rhetoric, according to excerpts of his speech published by the Biden campaign. “This is what a second Trump term looks like: more bans, more suffering, less freedom,” she will say. “But we are not going to allow that to happen.”

Harris' trip to Arizona comes just four days after the state Supreme Court ruled to reinstate a 160-year-old near-total ban on abortion, propelling the swing state to the forefront of the battle for reproductive rights during an election year. Political strategists from both parties told TIME that the decision would likely sway even moderate Republicans toward the Democratic camp, while energizing younger voters.

The Biden campaign used the decision to step up its efforts to attack Republicans and blame Trump, who regularly takes credit for appointing the three U.S. Supreme Court justices who helped overturn Roe v. Wade almost two years ago. In her speech, Harris plans to portray Trump as the architect of this health care crisis and highlight his previous comments about how women who seek abortions should be punished, the excerpts say, marking one of his most direct attacks on Trump's stance on abortion to date.

Read more: After abortion ban, Arizona just became the most important state in politics in 2024

In recent months, Harris has been increasingly vocal about the Biden administration's support for protecting reproductive rights and combating the erosion of women's access to health care across the country , signaling how abortion has become a central issue in the upcoming presidential election. Her trip to Arizona follows a series of nationwide engagements centered on reproductive rights, including stops in swing states such as Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia.

The fight for reproductive rights has in recent years become one of the top issues motivating Democrats to vote, and polls show that abortion could also motivate Arizona voters this fall. A Fox News poll conducted in March before the state Supreme Court's decision found that 39 percent of Arizona voters believed abortion would be extremely important in deciding their vote for president, and 32 % said it would be very important. In an October New York Times and Siena College poll last year, 59 percent of registered voters in Arizona said abortion should be mostly or always legal; 34% said it should be mostly or always illegal. This week's decision is likely to make the issue even more important to the state's voters.

Trump's position on banning abortion has changed as the 2024 election nears. He said Wednesday that the Arizona Supreme Court had gone too far in its ruling and had previously refused to approve a federal ban on abortion, instead saying Monday that decisions about abortion should be left to each state. As president, he supported a 20-week federal ban on abortion, which never passed Congress.

Arizona, a key state that helped secure Joe Biden's presidency in 2020 after voting for Trump in 2016, will have a critical role to play in both the November presidential election and the Senate race that will help determine the balance of power. in Congress. Voters will not only have their say on abortion by voting for the candidates, but also likely by voting on a ballot measure that would enshrine abortion in the Arizona constitution.

This abortion initiative will attract many young voters to the polls, believes Barrett Marson, a Republican strategist based in Arizona. The Biden campaign [is] I'm going to have to say: listen, come for the abortion initiative, stay for us. They need to make sure voters don't just vote on abortion and then go home.

A campaign official said the Biden campaign plans to ramp up its messaging on abortion in Arizona ahead of the election, unveiling a seven-figure investment ahead of Harris' visit that includes advertising initiatives aimed at building support for the right to abortion.




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