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PTI prepares for protest campaign against rigging

PTI prepares for protest campaign against rigging



Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Omar Ayub Khan said his party was ready to join hands with a 'grand opposition alliance' in a bid to raise a storm against allegations of malpractices elections during the general elections on February 8.

The former ruling party will push for “restoration of the Constitution and democracy” across Pakistan, with the campaign set to begin in Balochistan.

Speaking to reporters in Rawalpindi following a meeting with PTI founder Imran Khan at Adiala jail on Friday, party chief Asad Qaiser revealed that the inaugural rally would be held in the district of Pishin as part of the protest initiative.

This announcement comes as earlier this month, the PTI revealed its intention to launch a national movement against allegations of electoral fraud, which is scheduled to kick off on April 13.

The PTI cries injustice, alleging that the current government snatched its mandate, claiming to have manipulated Form 47 to give an upper hand to the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the Pakistan People's Party (PPP). ).

Also Read: PTI rally demands release of Imran Khan

Ayub reiterated that the protest movement would begin in Balochistan before spreading across the country.

An upcoming opposition meeting is expected to deliberate on the potential inclusion of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman in the opposition grand alliance.

Earlier this month, the PTI forged an opposition alliance as part of its strategy to increase pressure on the incumbent government.

“We are the strongest opposition in history; we are not among those who are turning back,” Ayub said.

The grand opposition alliance unanimously agreed to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law as fundamental principles.

Read: PTI to launch anti-government movement from April 13

The PTI leader highlighted the essential link between investment, trade, development and the supremacy of the constitution.

He cited the example of Saudi businessmen's investment in a solar power project in Balochistan, which he said was halted following the ouster of the PTI government and the formation of the PDM government. -II.

Referring to the events following the May 9 riots, Ayub lamented the alleged crackdown on PTI workers, citing over 200 complaints filed against the PTI founder and detailing the sufferings endured by their supporters.

“Our mission is to maintain the supremacy of the constitution and the law,” Ayub said, questioning the reasons for their perceived marginalization.

“We want a strong nation,” he added.

Ayub also raised concerns over the Senate elections, saying: “The people will ensure equal application of law for all.”


On the other hand, in a sharp retort to a statement made by the PTI leader, PML-N senator Talal Chaudhry condemned the PTI leader, whom he called “the rioter”, for lacking courage to express solidarity with the country's martyrs. – the armed forces – following recent terrorist attacks targeting military personnel.

Talal Chaudhry said sitting in Balochistan and expressing opposition to foreign investment perpetuates the conspiracy narrative.

He slammed the printing of images of KP Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur and a TikToker on aid kits by “May 9 riots activists”, who have done an about-face again.

Targeting “those who challenge the independence of the judiciary”, Talal accused the PTI of conducting political affairs to the detriment of the autonomy of the judiciary.

He also denounced any attempt to present the riots, chaos and events of May 9 as political conscience, calling such claims brazen.

He also warned of resurgent economic challenges and inflation, attributing these difficulties to those he said had pushed the country to the brink of default.




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