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Liz Truss' latest book: Former PM wanted to sack Bank of England governor and accuses Boris' dog of having fleas in number 10

Liz Truss' latest book: Former PM wanted to sack Bank of England governor and accuses Boris' dog of having fleas in number 10


Liz Truss suggested Boris Johnson's dog left fleas in Number 10 and revealed she wants to sack the Bank of England governor in extraordinary extracts from her new book.

The explosive revelations include that she spent many of her six weeks as prime minister itchy because Downing Street was infested with parasites.

And her disastrous economic policies that led to her ouster from office could have been even more extreme because she wanted to appoint new top executives to the UK's central bank.

She admitted that the move would have amounted to a declaration of war on the economic establishment.

Her too:

  • Ordered furniture for Downing Street but was forced to resign before arriving
  • Reveals she worries about how to get her hair done before meetings with world leaders
  • She said she felt like a prisoner in No 10 and even struggled to get cough medicine.
  • Boris Johnson asked in a meeting when he was Prime Minister: raise your hand if you want a steel industry in Britain
  • Planned his disastrous economic policy at Chevening alongside current cabinet secretary Simon Case.
  • During his brief tenure, his daughters had the opportunity to tour the nuclear bunker.

In extracts from the book published by the Daily Mailshe spoke of her ruinous economic policies.

Former Bank of England governor Mark Carney accused Ms Truss of turning Britain into an Argentina on the English Channel with her economic policy, saying she had a fundamental misunderstanding of what drives economies .

However, Ms Truss revealed she wanted to go even further and faster with policies that would eventually drive her from office.

One option, discussed in planning sessions with Mr Case and others, was to appoint new senior leaders at the Bank of England and the Treasury prepared to challenge the status quo. But this would amount to a declaration of war on the economic establishment. It would also have taken too long, she pointed out.

Ultimately, she decided to try to work constructively with the bank governor.

Explaining her desire to shake up the system, she said that when Mr Johnson was prime minister he asked at a meeting those who wanted a steel industry in Britain to raise their hands. Treasury officials have stood idly by, she said.

She was also scathing about the realities of life at No 10.

The place was infested with fleas, she wrote. Some claimed it was due to Boris and Carrie's dog Dilyn, but there was no conclusive proof. Either way, we had to spray the whole place with flea spray. I spent several weeks itching.

The hardest thing to get used to, she wrote, was that spontaneous excursions were virtually impossible: I was effectively a prisoner.

She recruited her teenage daughters, Liberty and Frances, to run errands because it was easier for them to leave buildings without being detected. Of their stay at one of the country's most famous addresses, she said: “I'm glad they at least managed to have a sleepover with their friends.” And they were able to visit the nuclear bunker.

But at one point, suffering from a cough, my diary secretary had to go out in the middle of the night to buy me medicine, she says.

She also complained about the lack of personal support for the Prime Minister, which she describes as rather shocking.

Even though I'm now one of the most photographed people in the country, I've had to arrange my own hair and makeup appointments, she wrote.

She also criticized his successor Rishi Sunak. That she defeated to become Prime Minister but was forced to hand over less than two months later.

Writing about her first leadership campaign, she said her supporters had apparently told junior ministers and aides that if they wanted a place on Rishi's team they should join the revolt against Boris and resign immediately. Many have done so.

She added: Although nothing has ever suggested that Rishi himself engaged in such underhanded behavior, reports circulated that MPs were being warned to support him or stay away permanently.

In the book, the former prime minister, who survived an iceberg salad wearing a blonde wig, attempted to explain the failures of her tenure, including her radical policies.

Ten years to save the West also documents his historic meeting with the late Queen at Balmoral in Scotland just days before her death.

According to Ms Truss, the 96-year-old monarch had given the Prime Minister two pieces of advice: pace yourself. The former Conservative leader wrote that perhaps she should have listened.

Since leaving Number 10, Ms Truss has been a constant thorn in Mr Sunak's side. She leads the opposition to his plans to ban smoking, calling the move deeply anti-conservative.

She also regularly appeared at conservative meetings on both sides of the Atlantic, claiming the deep state had sabotaged her tax cut plans from Kwasi Kwarteng's notoriously disastrous 2022 mini-budget.

Asked about his comments last month, Mr Sunak said if he was part of the deep state: I probably wouldn't tell you if I was, would I?

Regarding the smoking ban, he also insisted that there is nothing unconservative about worrying about the health of our children, adding: I respect the fact that some people will not be agree with me on this, but I think it's the right thing in the long term for our country.

Smoking is responsible for one in four cancer deaths. He is responsible for one hospitalization every minute.




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