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A jury of his peers: How jury selection will work in Trump's first criminal trial

A jury of his peers: How jury selection will work in Trump's first criminal trial


NEW YORK — Donald Trump's historic criminal trial is set to begin Monday with a simple but extraordinary procedural step vital to American democracy. A group of ordinary citizens, Trump's peers, in the eyes of the law, will be chosen to decide whether the former president of the United States is guilty of a crime.

The jury selection process could take days. Lawyers on both sides of the case will have limited opportunities to try to shape the panel in their favor, but the court's goal will not be to ensure that there is a partisan balance between Democrats and Republicans, or that it is made up of unconscious people. previous media coverage of the trial.

The idea is to bring together people who are willing to put their personal opinions aside and make a decision based on evidence and the law.

Here are some of the factors that will be taken into account in jury selection:

This jury will be composed solely of people residing in Manhattan, one of the five boroughs of New York City. All English-speaking U.S. citizens over the age of 18 who have not been convicted of a crime are eligible for jury duty in New York. Court officials identify potential jurors from lists of registered voters, taxpayers, driver's license holders, public benefit recipients and other sources.

The pool of potential jurors for Trump's trial will have been chosen at random. People can volunteer to serve on a jury, but they cannot choose which trial they will participate in.

Jury duty is mandatory, but you may be excused for a variety of reasons, including financial or medical hardship.

Judge Juan M. Merchan will begin by bringing a large group of potential jurors into his courtroom. He will then give a brief overview of the case and introduce the defendant, Trump, to the jury. The judge will then ask potential jurors a crucial question: Can they serve and be fair and impartial? Those who cannot will be asked to raise their hand. For this trial, jurors who indicate they cannot serve or be fair will be dismissed.

Those who remain will be called into groups into the jury box, where they will be asked 42 questions, some with multiple parts.

Lawyers on each side will have a limited number of strikes they can use to exclude potential jurors they don't like, without giving a reason. They can also argue that a particular juror should be excluded, but must convince the judge to agree to dismiss that person.

The process continues until 12 jurors and six alternates have been chosen. Larger groups of potential jurors may be brought into the courtroom, if necessary.

The judge will not allow attorneys to ask whether potential jurors are Democrats or Republicans, who they voted for or whether they have donated money to political causes. But there are many questions about whether people are likely to be biased against or in favor of Trump.

Among them:

Do you have any political, moral, intellectual or religious beliefs or opinions that might prevent you from following the court's instructions regarding the law or that might influence your approach to this matter?

Have you, a relative or close friend ever worked or volunteered for a Trump presidential campaign, the Trump presidential administration, or any other political entity affiliated with Mr. Trump?

Have you ever attended a rally or campaign event for Donald Trump?

Do you currently follow Donald Trump on a social media site or have you done so in the past?

Have you, a relative, or a close friend ever worked or volunteered for an anti-Trump group or organization?

Have you ever attended a rally or campaign event for an anti-Trump group or organization?

Are you currently following an anti-Trump group or organization on a social media site, or have you done so in the past?

Have you ever considered yourself a supporter or belonging to any of the following groups: the QAnon movement, Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, Three Percenters, Boogaloo Boys, Antifa.

Jurors will be asked what podcasts and radio programs they listen to and where they get their news.

The judge ordered that the names of jurors remain secret, an unusual but not unprecedented measure in trials where there is a risk that jurors could end up being harassed or threatened during or after the trial. Nothing stops jurors from voluntarily speaking about their experiences after the trial is over. While the matter is pending, they are not supposed to tell anyone about it.

Jurors in that trial will listen to testimony and decide whether Trump is guilty of any of 34 counts of falsifying business records. Their decision to convict or acquit must be unanimous. If they cannot agree on a verdict, the judge can declare a mistrial. If jurors have a reasonable doubt about Trump's guilt, they should acquit him. If they convict him, it will be the judge who decides the sentence, not the jurors.




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