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PM Modi unveils BJP's 'Sankalp Patra' for 2024 Lok Sabha elections

PM Modi unveils BJP's 'Sankalp Patra' for 2024 Lok Sabha elections


Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) manifesto 'Sankalp Patra' for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections on April 14, the birth anniversary of Dr BR Ambedkar, the architect of the Indian Constitution.

After unveiling the manifesto, the Prime Minister said it would empower youth, women, poor and farmers and help the country in its journey towards Viksit Bharat (developed India).

The manifesto, with the slogan Modi Ki Guarantee 2024calls for bringing all citizens aged 70 and above under the Ayushman Bharat scheme, which provides free treatment up to 5 Lakh.

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“The biggest concern of the elderly is how will they be able to afford the treatment of their illnesses. This concern is even more serious for the middle class. The BJP has now taken the principle that every individual above the age of 75 will be subject to its purview of Ayushman Bharat Yojana,” the Prime Minister said.

BJP president JP Nadda and union ministers Amit Shah, Nirmala Sitharaman and Rajnath Singh were also present at the ceremony at the BJP headquarters in the national capital.

The BJP has also promised to introduce a Uniform Civil Code or UCC if it keeps its government at the The UCC is perhaps the only major promise from previous programs that the party has yet to fulfill.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said in a social media post that the BJP manifesto did not talk about unemployment, while his colleague Jairam Ramesh called it a jumla patra (empty promise).

On infrastructure creation, Modi said the Ahmedabad-Mumbai bullet train project would be completed soon and the BJP would implement at least three more bullet train projects covering east, north and South India if returned to power. The manifesto also mentions greener manufacturing in sectors such as steel, cement, metals and engineering goods, expansion of domestic defense manufacturing and exports and positioning India as a global center of rail, maritime and aeronautical production.

On social welfare, the party said it would introduce new policies to build houses on slum lands for low-income families, further extend the Ujjwala scheme for free LPG connections to households poor people, that it would continue to increase the minimum support price for agricultural produce from time to time, and facilitate the work of gig workers, truck drivers, porters, domestic workers and street vendors.

India's bid for the 2036 Olympics, implementation of the National Education Policy, One Nation One election and a law against document leaks also feature in the manifesto. It also promises to provide “free rations, water, gas and electricity” to poor people for the next five years.

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The BJP also promised to start working on 6G internet connectivity. Among other promises, the BJP pledged to build more 3 crore houses for the poor, continue free ration to 80 crore people in the next five years and roll out domestic gas connections.

The party promised to increase the mudra loan limit by 10 million to 20 millions.

The manifesto also promised to reduce the electricity bill of poor families to zero. “Now we will work to reduce the electricity bill of several million families to zero and create income opportunities through electricity. We have implemented Prime Minister Surya Ghar's free electricity scheme” , declared the Prime Minister.

The 27-member BJP manifesto committee was headed by union defense minister Rajnath Singh. The panel met twice to deliberate on the manifesto. Soon after the launch, Modi handed over copies of the manifesto to three beneficiaries of central government schemes.

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Published: April 14, 2024, 09:35 IST




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