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Google's designers detail our ongoing efforts to modernize the Fitbit app

Google's designers detail our ongoing efforts to modernize the Fitbit app


What you need to know Since Google officially acquired the company in 2021, it has overhauled the Fitbit app and aligned it with Material U's design language. In an interview published on the Google Design website, the Fitbit UX team explained how they decided to adapt. Integrate the Fitbit app with Google Platform. The designers share the thought process behind the transition, which has been ongoing for two years.

Google formalized its acquisition of Fitbit nearly three years ago and continues to work to integrate Fitbit into its health portfolio and larger ecosystem of devices and services. The impact of this project can be seen in several ways, such as the redesign of the Fitbit app matching MaterialU's design language. But through an interview with his Fitbit UX team posted on the Google Design website, we got a rare glimpse into the thought process behind Google's visual redo of his Fitbit app.

It's clear that the new Fitbit app, which has been partially rolled out since last year, fits into the “Material You” theme, but designers had to start work before the project was finalized. They started two years before he did, leaning into the light and space art movement that began in Google's home state of California in the late 1960s.

“We knew there was momentum behind the concept of ‘form follows feel,’ that it was about personalization, and that it was all about you. It worked out really well to celebrate with Fitbit,” said Matt Helme. Design lead for Fitbit products and brands.

This approach to design resulted in today's Fitbit app, with its bright background, rich colors, and multiple pastel hues. We can see that the influence of Google and his Fitbit design settings still influences app updates, like the improved version of his Fitbit Sleep that was just released.

(Image credit: Android Central / Google)

“Fitbit's leaning toward rounded shapes and soft colors feels pretty unique, and the circular form factor… That feeling of uplift and compassion is a big part of how we design.” team. “We are able to do this because he combines multiple worlds into one holistic health journey experience.”

However, it's more than just design. Fitbit's designers also wanted to make health and fitness metrics available in an easy-to-understand way.

“As a product team, we are less focused on data collection and more focused on delivering insights and actionable information to take charge of your health journey,” said Sarah Wilson, Fitbit UX Design Lead. states. In reality, says Wilson, you need to use diagrams and text to explain all the fitness and health terminology that doesn't come naturally to everyone. Fitbit wants to go a step further and make it easier for users to take recorded data and apply it to appropriate fitness and lifestyle changes.

So, back to the Google Pixel Watch 2. The Google Pixel Watch 2 features a circular form factor, in keeping with Fitbit's penchant for rounded designs. It also includes the sensors that Google needs to provide the data it wants to share in an easy way. So it's no surprise that the Pixel Watch and its circular form factor are a big part of his Fitbit strategy going forward.

Peak Google and Fitbit integration

Pixel Watch 2 combines Google's smartwatch power with Fitbit's extensive experience in health. If you're looking to get a great Fitbit, the Pixel Watch 2 might actually be your best choice.




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