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Trump heads into first criminal trial ever against a former US president

Trump heads into first criminal trial ever against a former US president


Donald Trump will go on trial Monday, the first former US president to face criminal charges and the threat of prison time if convicted.

His lawyers, prosecutors and Judge Juan Merchan will begin picking jurors in a New York courtroom to hear evidence of Trump's alleged dalliances with a porn star and a former Playboy Playmate, hiding money to silence them and falsify business records to hide payments. .

Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee in November's presidential election, will watch proceedings from the dock in a trial that could take place four days a week for the next month and a half. He might take the witness stand to defend himself or not, depending on how he and his lawyers view the prosecutor's evidence.

Trump, who served as US chief executive from early 2017 until January 2021, has repeatedly criticized her prosecution. He complained last week on his Truth Social platform: “Nothing like this has ever happened in our country before.” On Monday, I will be forced to sit, gagged, in front of a VERY CONFLICT AND CORRUPT JUDGE, whose hatred towards me knows no bounds.

Since he is due to appear in court, the case will almost certainly keep the 77-year-old candidate off the campaign trail for long periods of time. He is trying to retake the White House from Democratic President Joe Biden, who defeated him in the 2020 election, although Trump still falsely claims today that he was cheated out of another four-year term due to voting irregularities.

Trump is accused of hiding a secret $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels just before the 2016 election to prevent her from speaking publicly about his claim that she had a tryst with a night with him at a celebrity golf tournament a decade earlier, less than four months after Trump's wife, Melania, gave birth to their son, Barron.

In a second case, the indictment alleges that a former Playmate of the Year, Karen McDougal, claims she had a months-long affair with Trump and was paid $150,000 by a tabloid publisher who bought the rights to its history, then, at the urging of Trump. , killed the article.

Trump has denied both cases and all 34 charges he faces in the New York case, including that he ordered his former political mobster, perjurer Michael Cohen, to make the payment to Daniels, then repay it during the first year of his presidency. in 2017, while characterizing Cohen's monthly allowances in Trump's business records as legal expenses.

Each of the charges carries a four-year prison sentence, although Trump will certainly appeal any guilty verdict and conviction.

The New York case is one of four unprecedented criminal charges Trump faces, comprising 88 counts, all of which he has denied.

Some legal analysts view the secrecy case as the least consequential of the four cases he faces. But it is perhaps the only one who will be judged before the elections on November 5.

Two of the other indictments accuse Trump of illegally trying to make up for his 2020 loss, while the third alleges that he illegally took hundreds of highly classified national security documents with him to his estate on the brink from the ocean in Florida at the end of his presidential term, then refused investigators' requests. turn them over.

No firm trial date has been set in any of the three cases, all of which have been delayed by preliminary hearings and legal arguments. Trump has sought to push back election start dates until after the election and could, if he wins, seek to have federal charges dismissed. In any case, if he regains power, he will not be judged during his presidency.

Cohen, who turned on his former boss, is expected to be a key witness against Trump. Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance charges in the case and to lying to Congress, among other crimes. In total, he was imprisoned for approximately 13 and a half months and spent a year and a half under house arrest.

Stormy Daniels, whose first name is Stephanie Clifford, is also expected to testify, as is McDougal.

Prosecutors could also call Hope Hicks to the witness stand. Hicks is a loyal and longtime Trump aide who witnessed campaign strategizing behind the scenes just before the 2016 vote.

Trump has spoken out against hush money accusations since he was indicted a year ago, saying those and other allegations against him were part of a plot by President Joe Biden and Democrats to to prevent him from winning the White House again. “Election interference, as he calls it.

There is no evidence that Biden played any role in the accusations against Trump.

Trump complained bitterly when Merchan first imposed a gag order barring him from verbally attacking officials in the case who are likely to testify against him, including Daniels, whom Trump has often called a horse.

On his Truth Social platform, Trump then attacked the judge's daughter, Loren Mercan, who is a key official at a political consulting firm that worked for the 2020 campaigns of Biden and other Democrats.

That judge should be impeached and the case should be thrown out, Trump argued. There has hardly ever been a more divisive judge than this one. ELECTION INTERFERENCE at its worst!

Merchan ignored Trump's taunts but reinforced the silence, forbidding him from attacking those close to the judge or those of the lead prosecutor in the case, Alvin Bragg.

Merchan said the silence orders against Trump were justified because of his conduct in other recent court cases, citing threatening, inflammatory and disparaging statements he had made.

It is no longer just a mere possibility or reasonable probability that there is a threat to the integrity of the legal process. The threat is very real, Merchan wrote, imposing a stricter silence that included his daughter, but not the judge or prosecutor.

Trump immediately said it would be his great honor to be imprisoned by Merchan for violating the gag order, comparing himself to the late Nelson Mandela of South Africa, who was imprisoned for years while fighting against apartheid racial.

“If this Partisan Hack wants to put me in the clink for speaking the open and obvious TRUTH, I will happily become a modern-day Nelson Mandela,” Trump said on Truth Social.

“We must save our country from these political operatives posing as prosecutors and judges, and I am ready to sacrifice my freedom for this noble cause,” he said.

Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for Trump's presidential campaign, called the more restrictive silence order “unconstitutional” in a statement to CBS News, saying it prevents Trump “from engaging in fundamental political speech “.




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