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Arab high school football coach arrested for allegedly sending obscene photos to students

Arab high school football coach arrested for allegedly sending obscene photos to students


The head football coach of Arab High School was arrested Thursday on charges that he sent obscene photos to a male student at the school.

Lee Ozmintwhose biography also lists him as a teacher, was charged with distributing or soliciting obscene material to or from a student under the age of 19 while he was a school employee, Arab Police Chief Shane Washburn told

Ozmint was released from the Arab City Jail after posting bond, Washburn said.

Attempts by to reach Ozmint were unsuccessful.

A case against Ozmint was not yet listed in the state court's online records.

Ozmint has been the head coach at Arab since 2019. He has led the team to a 38-18 overall record and four consecutive playoff appearances.

On Thursday evening, Arab City Schools acknowledged learning of unprofessional and inappropriate communications between a teacher and student at the Arab High School.

The statement, posted on social media, did not indicate that the teacher was also a coach. The school employee allegedly involved in the incident was also not named.

Earlier this week, Arab City Schools officials were notified of unprofessional and inappropriate communications between a teacher and student at the Arab High School. As soon as the government became aware of the allegations, Arab City Schools officials contacted police and launched an internal investigation. As part of this internal investigation, the teacher in question was placed on administrative leave and was not allowed to remain on the Arab City Schools campus, the post said.

This situation developed quickly. The investigating officers interviewed both the teacher and the student and investigated other relevant information that emerged during the process. At this time, the teacher remains on administrative leave and is not allowed on any campus. Once the team completes its investigation, they will work with the superintendent to determine the best course of action to resolve the situation, including any applicable disciplinary action for the teacher, the statement said.

To ensure that the rights of all involved are protected, Arab City Schools will not share any additional information, including the names of the teacher or student involved, at this time. Arab City Schools does not tolerate unprofessional or inappropriate behavior between teachers and students. Most importantly, the Superintendent and all members of the Arab City Schools team emphasize that the safety and security of our students is our top priority, and the team will not take any action that would compromise that safety.

Ozmint's 2022 Arab team went 11-2 and lost in two overtimes at Pleasant Grove in the Class 5A quarterfinals.

He also spent 10 years as head coach at Glencoe High from 2006 to 2015, where he compiled a 77-37 record. He led the Yellow Jackets to seven straight playoff appearances.

Born in Anderson, S.C., Ozmint played football for Ray Perkins at Alabama and eventually earned a law degree. He practiced law in Tuscaloosa and Gadsden before turning to coaching.




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