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Juggling campaign and foreign policy, Biden sends complicated messages

Juggling campaign and foreign policy, Biden sends complicated messages


That left Jake Sullivan, the president's national security adviser, in the awkward position of refusing to say whether Mr. Orban is a dictator. I'm not going to speak for the Biden campaign, he told reporters during a briefing. You should address these questions to the campaign. He expressed our deep concerns about Hungary's attacks on democratic institutions.

Heather A. Conley, president of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, a research group that promotes democracy, noted that Mr. Orban had injected himself into American politics, attending the Conservative Political Action Conference and declaring after his Mar-a-Lago visit what it would be like better for Hungary if Mr. Trump returns to power.

Tragically, Hungary has become both a foreign policy topic and a campaign topic, she said. Still, she added, calling Mr. Orban a dictator has concrete foreign policy implications. If a NATO member, head of state or government was declared a dictator, the country would be placed in a special prison until the end of the dictatorship, she said, recalling the military junta that took power in Greece from 1967 to 1974.

Last week's presidential cannibal stories provoked their own backlash. Mr. Biden was speaking about his uncle's death in World War II. He was shot in New Guinea, and they never found his body because there used to be a lot of cannibals, really, in that part of New Guinea, he said at a stop.

Never mind that the story doesn't even seem true. According to Pentagon archives, his uncle, Second Lieutenant Ambrose J. Finnegan, was a passenger on a military plane that crashed in the Pacific off the northern coast of what was then the territory of New Guinea on May 14, 1944 , after a failure of its engines. Mr. Finnegan and two crew members went missing and were presumed dead, but the report does not indicate that the plane was shot down, much less that anyone encountered cannibals.




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