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Epicenter of BJP's campaign in South India shifts to Kerala as PM Modi arrives for two-day election tour

Epicenter of BJP's campaign in South India shifts to Kerala as PM Modi arrives for two-day election tour


An artist draws the BJP symbol in support of Alathur party candidate TN Sarasu at Kambarathchalla near Palakkad town.

An artist draws the BJP symbol in support of Alathur party candidate TN Sarasu at Kambarathchalla near Palakkad town. | Photo credit: The Hindu

The epicenter of the Bharatiya Janata Party's campaign in south India is likely to shift to Kerala as Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives in Kochi late on April 14 for a two-day election tour of the state.

On April 15, Mr. Modi will campaign in Alathur Lok Sabha constituency for retired university director TN Sarasu at a public rally in Cheruvathoor.

Ms Sarasu came under the BJP scanner after the SFI organized a mock funeral for her on campus when she retired as principal of Government Victoria College in Palakkad in 2016.

Later in the day, Mr. Modi will fly to Thiruvananthapuram, where he will campaign for senior BJP candidates Rajiv Chandrasekhar (Thiruvananthapuram) and V. Muraleedharan (Attingal) at a public meeting in Kattakada.

Mr. Modi has just unveiled the NDA election manifesto in New Delhi. It could highlight the BJP's manifesto commitments, including free ration and electricity, expanding health and women's empowerment programs for the poor.

During his previous visits to Kerala, Mr. Modi often addressed his supporters in the third person, punctuating his speeches with the BJP's campaign refrain, Modis assures.

He also promised to end the LDF-UDF revolving door politics in Kerala and label the two alliances as INDIAN bloc allies masquerading as imaginary enemies to mislead the Kerala electorate.

Mr Modi's visit coincides with a raging social debate over the decision by a section of the Church to screen the allegedly Islamophobic film, History of Keralaas a warning to catechism students to prevent them from falling into the love traps set by Islamists to convert impressionable Christian youth to the jihadist cause.

This decision sparked criticism within the church. This has angered the Congress, which enjoys a significant support base among Christians in central and north Kerala. The move also angered the party's key ally, the IUML.

At the same time, the BJP saw its overtures to the Church, including a Christmas lunch given to senior clergy by Mr. Modi in New Delhi in 2023, as having borne some fruit.

Read also | The BJP welcomes the projection ofHistory of Keralaby diocese;The UDF and the LDF oppose this decision

In a dueling political rally, Rahul Gandhi will arrive in Kozhikode on April 15. He will campaign in his constituency, Wayanad. Congress campaign managers said Mr Gandhi would return to Kerala to attend poll congresses in Kannur, Palakkad, Kottayam, Thrissur, Alappuzha and Thiruvananthapuram after April 18.




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