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Imprisoned ex-PM Imran Khan banned from Pakistani politics for 5 years

Imprisoned ex-PM Imran Khan banned from Pakistani politics for 5 years


By Asif Shahzad

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, who was convicted and jailed on corruption charges, was banned from political career for five years on Tuesday, according to an official order.

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) order, seen by Reuters and confirmed by a senior officer, said Khan was disqualified in accordance with his conviction.

“Imran Ahmad Khan Niazi is disqualified for a period of five years,” the statement said.

Khan's constituency would now remain vacant, the order added.

Under Pakistani law, a convicted person cannot run for any public office for a period defined by the ECP, which can be up to a maximum of five years from the date of conviction.

“We knew it was inevitable,” Khan aide Zulfikar Bukhari told Reuters, saying the party would challenge the disqualification in the High Court.

“We are confident that this trend will reverse,” he said.

Khan, who has denied any wrongdoing, was sentenced on Saturday to three years in prison for illegally selling state gifts that he and his family acquired during his 2018 to 2022 term. He was arrested at his home in Lahore and taken to a prison near Islamabad. .

Khan's legal team has filed an appeal seeking to overturn the guilty verdict, which the Islamabad High Court will consider on Wednesday, his lawyer Naeem Panjutha said.

The petition seen by Reuters describes the conviction as “without legal authority, tainted by bias”, and says Khan, 70, did not receive an adequate hearing.

He said the court rejected a list of defense witnesses a day before delivering its verdict, calling it a “gross travesty of justice and a slap in the face of due process and a fair trial.”

The court had fast-tracked the trial after Khan refused to attend hearings despite repeated summons and arrest warrants.


Khan has been at the heart of political turmoil since he was ousted as prime minister in a vote of no confidence last year, sparking concerns about Pakistan's stability as it grapples with a economic crisis.

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With Khan out of the political scene for now, all eyes should be on the upcoming elections, Michael Kugelman, director of the South Asia Institute at the Washington-based Wilson Center, told Reuters.

Any delay in the elections – due by November – would further fuel public anger and inject more uncertainty into the political environment, he said.

“This volatility and uncertainty could have implications for political stability but also for the economy, if foreign investors and donors become reluctant to deploy more capital in such an environment,” he said.

In June, Pakistan reached a final $3 billion deal with the IMF, which sought consensus on policy goals among all political parties.

Khan's legal team says he is being held in abject conditions in a small so-called Class C cell in a prison in Attock, near the capital Islamabad, with open toilets, when he should be entitled to a class B cell with facilities. including en suite bathroom, newspapers, books and TV.

A request had been submitted on his behalf for a class A cell with all the facilities to which he was entitled.

Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah, who spent several months in prison on drug charges that he said were fabricated during Khan's tenure, said Khan himself was a supporter of uniformity in prisons.

(Reporting by Asif Shahzad; additional reporting by Ariba Shahid in Karachi; editing by Peter Graff and Angus MacSwan)




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