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Xi sings a different tune at 2nd Ma meeting

Xi sings a different tune at 2nd Ma meeting


During his meeting between former President Ma Ying-jeous () and Chinese President Xi Jinping () in Beijing last Wednesday, Xi focused his speech on the theme of peace. He said people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait should work together to pursue a bright future and peaceful reunification, adding that all Chinese people on both sides of the Strait hope for a peaceful home and harmonious family life. To achieve this, it is imperative to promote the peaceful development of relations between the two shores.

This was the second meeting between Ma and Xi. During the 2015 exchange in Singapore, Xi took a tough stance, saying that without the calming effect of the so-called 1992 consensus and opposition to Taiwan independence, the ship of peaceful development would sail. would encounter violent waves and could even capsize.

Comparing Xi's previous speech with that of recent weeks, Beijing's attitude toward Taiwan appears to have undergone a dramatic shift from ferocity to benevolence.

The key factor in this change is the evolution of the international situation.

First, US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, known as the Asia Czar for formulating the Indo-Pacific strategy for US President Joe Biden's administration, said on April 5 that the AUKUS trilateral security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States had an underwater plan that would help deter any potential action by China against Taiwan.

This suggests that as soon as China launches an attack or blockade against Taiwan, nuclear submarines operated by Australia under the auspices of AUKUS would participate in the fight against the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Of course, the United States and the United Kingdom, as Australia's close partners, would also act accordingly.

Second, last Monday, Japanese public broadcaster NHK interviewed US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. Asked about the possibility of an eventuality in Taiwan, Sullivan said the bottom line of our approach…is to ensure that such an eventuality never occurs.

The interview preceded a summit meeting between Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Washington on Wednesday last week, during which the leaders reiterated the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and said issues between the two sides should be resolved peacefully.

Third, a bilateral summit between the United States and Japan was followed last Thursday by a trilateral summit between the United States, Japan and the Philippines. The countries' leaders issued a joint vision statement in which they affirmed the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as an indispensable part of global security and prosperity.

In just a few days, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan and the Philippines have all drawn their swords. Through AUKUS, the U.S.-Japan Treaty of Mutual Security and Cooperation, and the U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, which together constitute three levels of power in the regional security system Indo-Pacific, these nations have drawn a red line that China must not cross, namely that peace must be maintained across the Taiwan Strait.

Xi's decision to wave the peace flag does not necessarily mean he has actually laid down the sword. He might simply have found it necessary to act this way under current conditions. As for Mas wanting to take credit, that's not even worth talking about.

Huang Wei-ping works in the civil service.

Translated by Julian Clegg

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