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Chinese President Xi Jinping harshly attacks Joo Loureno – Angola24Horas

Chinese President Xi Jinping harshly attacks Joo Loureno – Angola24Horas


The leaders took advantage of João Loureno's state visit to analyze relations between the two parties. Diplomatic sources assure that Xi Jinping took advantage of the party meeting to harshly confront João Loureno.

On the sidelines of the official visit of the President of the Republic of China last month, the leaders of the MPLA and the Chinese Communist Party, namely João Loureno and Xi Jinping, analyzed the relations between the two parties, during a restricted meeting. in which Xi Jinping took the opportunity to express, with less diplomacy, his dissatisfaction with the way in which João Loureno handled certain files.

Chinese diplomatic sources told Valor Econmico that in addition to expressing dissatisfaction with the way in which João Loureno disapproves of the Chinese financing model that uses oil as collateral for debt payments, Xi Jinping criticized the way whose João Loureno decided to fight against corruption. Although he welcomed the Angolan president's intention, Xi Jinping expressed his displeasure that João Loureno associated corruption exclusively with his predecessor.

The Chinese leader even considered as positive the attempt by José Eduardo dos Santos to take advantage of Chinese financing and rising oil prices to create a strong Angolan business class, while criticizing the attempt to tarnish some Chinese companies and investors , being dragged, unfairly, into the fight against corruption.

In the case of the attempt to bring Luanda closer to Washington, with the United States arms acquisition program, Xi Jinping advised João Loureno to analyze the difficulty that NATO and its partners had in keeping their promises to arm Ukraine in the conflict with Russia, making it clear that Vladimir Putin's regime is not satisfied either.

Commenting on Angola's interest in acquiring war materials from the West, João Loureno went so far as to define the United States as “the ideal partner”, to replace what he calls “Soviet technique” .

“During the meeting between the governments, the approach was more cautious, because China does not have a policy of meddling in the decisions of other states. But, as brother parties, the conversation was more frontal and President Xi Jinping took the opportunity to say whatever he wanted “I think about Angola and it was really very direct,” diplomatic sources detailed to this newspaper.

João Loureo traveled to China on March 14 for a three-day visit and it was the first day he met Xi Jinping, both as head of government and party. A government source who was part of João Loureno's delegation, in addition to confirming the “more partisan” meeting, the content of which he said he was unaware of, confirmed that “the President left a little discouraged.”

Regarding government relations and negotiations, the two countries signed 12 agreements aimed at expanding cooperation in different areas. But the results of the debt negotiations did not meet Angola's wants and needs.Economic value




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