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Xi Jinping is sitting on the key to peace in Ukraine. But he won't call it a war.

Xi Jinping is sitting on the key to peace in Ukraine.  But he won't call it a war.


Xi Jinping has become Vladimir Putin's main supporter. What did he say to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz? It highlights China's role in the war in Ukraine.

The luxurious Diaoyutai state guesthouse in Beijing has been the scene of many decisive meetings. This is where Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping met two weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. For 800 years, Chinese emperors used this place for fishing.

On Tuesday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz entered the same tea room. Beyond trade, Scholz had a clear message to send to the Chinese leader.

I asked Xi to pressure Russia to make Putin stop his senseless campaign and withdraw his troops, Scholz said, according to Reuters.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Chinese leader Xi Jinping opened the meeting on Tuesday April 16 in Beijing.

Olaf Scholz and Xi Jinping are at the head of the two largest economies in the world after the United States. The summit, which began with a tea ceremony and ended with a lunch of crab, asparagus and dim sum, lasted more than three hours.

What exactly did Xi Jinping answer?

A long writing presentation from China's largest state television channel, CCTV highlights China's role in the war in Ukraine.

The figures that frighten the West

China has become Russia's main supporter in the war in Ukraine, even though the Chinese do not directly supply weapons. There are several reasons why the EU and US believe China can convince Putin to stop the war:

  • Chinese exports to Russia fell 64.2 percent from 2021. The Chinese provide Putin with technology and raw materials to make missiles, weapons and important infrastructure.
  • China has increased its deliveries of advanced industrial machinery to Russia tenfold, according to Financial time. Half of Russian oil and gas went to China in 2023.
  • Additionally, North Korea, which has China as its main ally, has delivered huge quantities of weapons that are destroying Ukrainian cities.
The image is a screenshot from Russian Army TV Channel, which shows a meeting between Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in December 2023.

We support Russia in the Ukrainian issue, even if the United States and Europe put pressure on us, Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun said. I am with Putin's defense minister in December.

When Xi ate crab with Scholz, he expressed himself quite differently.

All countries should have a place at the table. But no country should be on the menu, Xi said thank you Tagesspiegel.

Xi Jinping: Ukraine war is a crisis, not a war

All parties must work together to achieve peace as quickly as possible, Xi Jinping told Scholz. According to official Chinese minutes, Xi would not call what is happening in Ukraine a war. The Chinese leader instead spoke about the Ukrainian crisis.

China is not a party to the Ukraine crisis and we promote peace talks in our own way, Xi said. He said selfish interests were of no use and the world should calm the situation and not pour gasoline on it.

We should reduce the negative impact on the global economy and not undermine the stability of global industrial and supply lines, Xi said.

But what does this mean in practice?

Bad news for the Swiss path to peace

Xi added that all efforts for peace must be made at the right time. And only if Russia agrees.

This is interpreted as China embarking on the most important path to peace.

Switzerland has invited more than 100 countries to a major peace conference in June. The hope is that this is the start of a process towards peace. Ukraine said yes. Russia considers it a Western invention.

It's a waste of time if Russia's interests are not taken into account, said Sergei, Putin's foreign minister. Larov.

Xi Jinping will travel to Europe in May, where he will notably visit France. There is pressure within the EU to take action against China. Several Chinese companies have recently been blacklisted due to their role in the war. In addition, hundreds of thousands of jobs are at risk because the Chinese are supplanting European industry.




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