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Donald Trump 'seriously considering' Jake Paul fight invitation

Donald Trump 'seriously considering' Jake Paul fight invitation


Team Trump may also have trouble reaching its usual base this year, meaning it will have to rely on alternatives. Earlier this week, The Atlantic reported that traffic to the top 10 conservative and right-wing news sites was down 40% since the last presidential election, in 2020. It is these outlets, like Breitbart, that have exploited the internet to elect Trump. in 2016. Today, this machine is broken.

The mainstream media is dead. They are dead. They just haven't realized it yet, a former Ramaswamy staffer told me at his caucus party in January. If you look at the types of voters that make up the America First movement, they get their news from alternative media. Fox News is just a tiny piece. Paul, and other creators like him, could fill this void.

Trump's team realizes this. Previously, Trump's right-wing media and online fanatics generated enough buzz that he didn't need to build those relationships himself. But as the media landscape has changed, so must the campaign. Already last year, the former president appeared on the Nelk Boys Full Send podcast, where he was asked about, among other things, Ice Spice. He also hosted a dinner for conservative influencers. The campaign's plans to partner with Paul marks the next step in their strategy.

It's not just about presidential candidates. On Tuesday, NBC News reported that House Speaker Mike Johnson, who is trying not to get kicked out by his own party, told popular conservative influencers and activists about his election integrity bill. Popular social media personalities including LibsofTikTok, DC Draino and End Wokeness were all informed and, in turn, posted messages in support of the bill.

While Johnson's briefing was an attempt to create his own viral moment, Trump attending Paul's fight would be him seizing an opportunity that makes sense for his brand. Trump’s involvement in the bravado of men’s combat sports has been going on for decades. Over a decade ago, he competed in a Wrestlemania match with Vince McMahon. Recently, Trump attended more UFC fights and spoke with Dana White.

Not only will Paul be generating buzz this summer on his social media accounts, but Netflix will also broadcast the match live, allowing him to reach the streaming platforms of over 260 million users. Many digital consultants say political advertising on streaming apps like Netflix will be huge this year. Unlike a New York Times article or an Instagram post, users are often glued to a movie or show, and some services may force their audience to watch ads, depending on their subscription level.

If I were a political candidate, this would be the moment where I would recognize that Jake Paul has a particularly large following and I would want to leverage that to benefit me in some way, Lukito told me.

All of this is to say that we live in a world where Jake Paul's support carries weight in politics. Social platforms no longer prioritize news content, they focus on the creator economy. Influencers dominate these feeds, where a majority of American voters read the news, and we should expect more YouTube-style collaborations like these, at least through November. Be ready. It's going to be every day, brother.

The chat room

NextGen America, the nonpartisan youth voting organization, announced it was launching a new Discord bot to register young voters earlier this week. The bot is adorably called VOTE-E and is built on OpenAIs GPT-4. He will apparently be able to answer an assortment of voting questions in DMs on Discord.

There's a huge problem that outreach to the gaming community from the political space doesn't really feel authentic, like Pokmon Go at the polls, Grant Wiles, vice president of data, research, told me and NextGens surveys, by telephone.




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