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Battle for post-Erdoan Turkey: Istanbul mayor hits back at presidents-in-law

Battle for post-Erdoan Turkey: Istanbul mayor hits back at presidents-in-law


Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Mamolu sharply criticized Haluk Bayraktar, CEO of Baykar, one of Turkey's leading defense contractors and close to President Recep Tayyip Erdoan, during a press conference on Thursday.

Bayraktar had previously accused Mamolus' communications team of orchestrating a smear campaign over alleged jet fuel sales by Baykar, led by Erdoan's son-in-law Seluk Bayraktar and his brother Haluk, to Israel, an accusation that Mamolu strongly denied.

Mamolu, a key figure in the Republican People's Party (CHP), denied Bayraktar's accusations, saying: “You are talking about a person who uses language that makes me a target. This is very rude behavior. I have not been and will not be the target of this crude and defamatory behavior.

In our country, we see people trying to use the [state] authority more ruthlessly than the people [Erdoan] who have received authority. We are talking here about the friends and relatives of the one who holds authority. And I say this is not a job for the close ones, brother. I am the mayor of the city of Istanbul and I exercise my legal and legal authority,” Mamolu said.

The clash between Mamolu and Bayraktar has broader implications for Turkey's political landscape, especially as the country heads toward a possible leadership transition after the Erdoan era.

Mamolu's CHP outperformed Erdoan's AKP in local elections on March 31, marking a significant shift in Turkish political dynamics and positioning Mamolu as a potential candidate for future presidential elections, while Seluk Bayraktar is considered by many as Erdoan's heir apparent in the event of the president's resignation, as he suggested before the local elections.

The controversy was sparked when political communicator Evren Bar Yavuz was arrested after posting a photo of Bayraktar and another family member with a caption suggesting they had sold jet fuel to Israel. After his arrest, Yavuz denied any connection with Mamolu or the Istanbul municipality.

Baykar, which makes TB2 combat drones, has been the target of criticism amid heightened anti-Israeli sentiment in Turkey. The allegations regarding the sale of jet fuel to Israel were particularly controversial given ongoing military operations in Gaza and recent trade restrictions imposed by Turkey on Israel. Baykar has been repeatedly accused of receiving preferential treatment from the government.

Last week, in an unusual defense of Baykar, the Defense Industry Presidency (SSB), Turkey's state-run defense procurement agency, stepped in to protect the private company, saying Baykar does not had benefited from any financial incentives, grants or subsidies from the government. or support programs. Critics say this protection reflects a broader erosion of neutrality within Turkey's state institutions, which favors entities friendly to Erdoan and businesses owned by his close associates.

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, led by Mayor Mamolu, has since filed a lawsuit against Haluk Bayraktar for defamation.

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