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Trump's secret criminal trial concludes jury selection after difficulties | Donald Trump trial

Trump's secret criminal trial concludes jury selection after difficulties |  Donald Trump trial


Donald Trump's secret trial gained momentum Friday afternoon with the conclusion of jury selection.

Five alternate jurors were chosen Friday, following Thursday's proceedings during which all 12 jurors and one alternate juror were chosen.

Once the panel is selected, Trump's trial can enter its next stage, with opening arguments expected Monday. The court held a so-called Sandoval hearing in which Trump will be briefed on the scope of the questions prosecutors can ask him if he appears as a witness Friday afternoon.

Just as the full panel was assembled, a man set himself on fire in the park outside the courthouse, causing a frenzy before the lunch break. The man, whose motives remain unclear, was in critical condition.

During an afternoon session, it was discussed what kind of evidence could be brought into the case if Trump were to testify. Prosecutors previously submitted documents indicating they wanted the opportunity to question Trump about various past legal difficulties if he testified, in order to challenge his credibility as a witness.

These include sexual assault accuser E Jean Carrolls, who won defamation cases against him. As the hearing progressed, Trump lawyer Emil Bove said prosecutors would question Trump about the verdict in the Carrolls cases under cross-examination.

Bove, who reiterated Trump's denial of Carroll's sexual assault allegation and said it really didn't happen, said the claimed incident was too far back in time to be used in a possible challenge to Trump's credibility.

What's more, Bove argued, bringing up Ms. Carrolls' allegations during this trial somehow takes salaciousness to another level. This is a matter of documents. Prosecutors insisted they should be able to question him about the defamation verdicts against him because they showed a jury determined his statements about Carroll were false.

This is crucial evidence that the jury should be able to consider if he testifies, the prosecution also said.

Earlier in the morning, questioning of potential alternate jurors began after Trump arrived and it looked like recent events had taken a toll on him, with his copper hair messier than usual, but apart from courtroom, the ex-president did what he typically does in the face of intense scrutiny: He complained. He doubled down on his claims that the trial was rigged and derided intelligence from Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney, saying he wasn't smart enough to represent himself as Letitia James, according to a pool report.

Trump insisted he should be on the campaign trail in Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina rather than in court, and called on Juan Merchan, the judge, to release him from the silence order that 'prevents comment on witnesses, jurors, court staff and family members of the parties in this case,

The jury selection process proved complicated due to the presence of a controversial and high-profile defendant. Potential jurors were asked about their political leanings, social media posts and many other facets of their lives.

When questioning other potential alternates, prosecutor Susan Hoffinger told prospective panelists: It's not about Mr. Trump being a former president. This is not about his candidacy for president. It's not about his popularity. And it's not about who you vote for or who you might vote for in the fall.

Several potential replacements were excused after citing extreme nervousness about serving. One of the potential replacements looked like she would burst into tears when Hoffinger began questioning her. I feel so nervous and anxious right now, I'm sorry. I thought I could do it, but I also wouldn't want someone who felt that way to judge my case. This is so much more stressful than I thought it would be. Merchan decided to excuse him.

Trump's criminal trial: what you need to know

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On Thursday, one juror expressed concern that her identity had been discovered, especially after it was portrayed in the media. She was excused and Judge Merchan ruled that certain identifying characteristics, such as the juror's place of employment, could not be made public.

Trump was present throughout the trial, sitting largely impassive in court, but his Truth social media account stirred up a storm, leading to multiple accusations from prosecutors that the former US president had violated a silence order and should be held in contempt of court. A hearing is scheduled to take place on the matter on April 23.

The case centers on a $130,000 payment that former Trump lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen made to Stormy Daniels during the 2016 election campaign to prevent her claims about an affair with Trump from becoming public.

Prosecutors say Trump obscured the true nature of the payments in internal records when his company reimbursed Cohen, who pleaded guilty in 2018 and is expected to be a star witness for the prosecution. Trump has denied any affair with Daniels and his lawyers say the payments to Cohen were legitimate legal fees.

Trump faces 34 counts of falsifying business records.

This is the first criminal trial of a former US president to take place in a US courtroom. Three other cases over Trump's conduct during the Jan. 6 insurrection, his handling of classified materials at his Mar-a-Lago home and his attempt to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia are also pending, but lawyers of Trump have so far succeeded in delaying them. .

Despite his legal troubles, Trump remains all but assured of winning the Republican nomination for president and facing Joe Biden again in November. Trump tends to narrowly lead Biden in direct polls, especially in key states that will help determine who wins the White House.




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