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How to find a jury made up of Donald Trump's peers?

How to find a jury made up of Donald Trump's peers?


An IT consultant living on the Lower East Side walked into a Manhattan courtroom Tuesday and assessed Donald Trump. Excitement rose in his voice as he said he found the former president fascinating and mysterious.

He walks into a room and he scares people away in one way or another, the prospective juror continued. I find it really interesting. Really, this guy can do all that. Wow, that's what I think.

Trump didn't seem to register a reaction. Um, okay, said his lead lawyer, Todd Blanche, visibly more confused. THANKS.

Assessments like these, and not all so inspired, have made up the bulk of the first week of a former US president's first criminal trial, a series of man-on-the-street impressions of the cultural and political figure defining moment of the last decade delivered under his silent gaze. Jury selection for Trump's case, in which he pleaded not guilty to falsifying business records to conceal an alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels (which he also denied), began Monday and, in some ways she succeeded. , provided a measure of its current hold on our collective attention.

As potential panelists filed into the courtroom throughout the week, they craned their necks to take a look at Trump. As anyone who has been called to serve in New York can attest, jury duty is one of the few inevitable common denominators shared in a city of extremes. The pool delivered its reliable New York cross section. A woman laughed and put her hand over her mouth, turning to her neighbor to raise her eyebrows. In most cases, jury candidates came and went. Many said from the start that they could not be impartial in this highly controversial and high-profile case, and therefore there was no need for them to be questioned by Trump's lawyers and prosecutors.

When potential jurors took the stand, they usually seemed to have something to say, even if they said they could keep it fair. One woman sighed when Trump lawyer Susan Necheles asked if she had any strong opinions about the accused. I was born and raised in Brooklyn and New York, she said, and I've kind of spent my whole life knowing Donald Trump. She said she once saw him and his ex-wife Marla Maples shopping for baby items at ABC Carpet & Home. She said she's heard positive things about him, but added that how I feel about him as president is different.

Oh my God, another candidate said, going back to 1989, when Trump took out newspaper ads calling for the execution of the falsely imprisoned Central Park Five. Here we go. Coming back to Central Park, I knew some of the kids, their cousins.

One Italian explained that the media in his native country had a very strong association with Mr. Trump and Silvio Berlusconi, which made him worry about its ability to maintain impartiality. He was excused.

A young black woman said that as a person of color, she had friends with strong opinions about Trump, but that she was not a political person herself and appreciated his frankness. President Trump speaks his mind, she said, and I prefer that to someone who is in power and you don't know what he thinks. She was the only person in the jury box at the time who did not know that Trump had been indicted in three other criminal cases.

For all the discussion leading up to the trial in a heavily Democratic Manhattan, the basic view was often closer to computer consultant wonder than outright condemnation. He was our president, said the construction company owner, describing himself as a fellow entrepreneur. Quite surprising. He was a businessman in New York. He charted his path.




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