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President Joko Widodo and Vice President Maruf Amin become witnesses at the wedding of the fifth daughter of Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Chairman Bamsoet – Beritabuanaco

President Joko Widodo and Vice President Maruf Amin become witnesses at the wedding of the fifth daughter of Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Chairman Bamsoet – Beritabuanaco


BERITABUANA.CO, JAKARTA – Chairman of MPR RI and Deputy General Chairman of the Golkar Party, Bambang Soesatyo, married his fifth daughter, Saras Shintya Putri (Chacha) to Avicenna Athalla Zaki Ghani Alli (Athalla). Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Indonesian Vice President KH Maruf Amin attended the bride and groom's wedding. Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman HR Agung Laksono and Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the House of Representatives Ahmad Sahroni, representing the families of the bride and groom, welcomed the guests.

“I don’t feel like time has passed so quickly. With Chacha's wedding this morning, six of my eight sons and daughters got married. It seems like yesterday we were getting them through the elementary school gates, but now it doesn't feel like we got them through the wedding gates. Please pray for your blessings, so that Chacha and Athalla can successfully complete their marriage. “Being a sakinah, mawaddah, warrahmah family, as well as having the chance to have descendants useful for the religion, the state, the homeland and the nation,” Bamsoet said after the wedding ceremony of Chacha and Athalla , at Mulia Hotel, Jakarta, Saturday (20/4/2024).

Among those present were Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI Ahmad Basarah, Sjarifuddin Hasan, Amir Uskara, Fadel Muhammad and Yandri Susanto, Deputy Chairman of the DPR RI Muhaimin Iskandar, Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR RI Ahmad Sahroni, Minister of State Enterprises Erick Thohir, Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Harvick Hasnul Qolbi, Nasdem Party Chairman Surya Paloh, Wantimpres Muhammad Luthfi bin Ali bin Yahya, Kabaintelkam POLRI Komjen Pol Suntana, Kabareskrim POLRI Wahyu Widada, Atta Halilintar, senior Golkar party officials Agung Laksono and Cicip Sutardjo.

The 20th Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives and former Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives for Law, Human Rights and Security explained that apart from blessings, he also gave advice to Chacha, according to which in this world one should never seek perfection. Because whenever and wherever you look for it, you will never find it in this world.

“So once again, I remind you, accept it whatever it is. Start planning the start of this love story with the man of your choice who just said the words of Qaboul. Never compare your husband to any man. Because he also holds back from comparing you to any woman. In fact, from now on, your heaven has now passed to the man of your choice, so be an obedient and responsible wife and gain His approval as the path to Heaven. The ups and downs of marriage cannot be avoided, it just depends on how they handle them. “God willing, because the intention of marriage is to perfect religious teachings based on the care of love and affection, no matter what difficulties are encountered, there will always be a way out,” explained Bamsoet.

Bamsoet reminded that marriage is not just about living together in the same house. Rather, it is about living together, building a house full of love and fortified by strong faith so that we are always able to fulfill our commitment to strengthen each other and always surrender to God Almighty.

“One thing you need to remember is that marriage is not a constraint, but rather a strengthening. Don't get married, as many of the positive hobbies and activities you usually enjoy while single will be hindered. “In fact, every couple should support each other,” Bamsoet concluded. (Kds)




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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