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Scottish independence supporters seek to breathe life into faltering campaign

Scottish independence supporters seek to breathe life into faltering campaign


Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf (centre right) and Scottish actor Martin Compston (centre left) join a march in support of Scottish independence in Glasgow yesterday.

Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf (centre right) and Scottish actor Martin Compston (centre left) join a march in support of Scottish independence in Glasgow yesterday.

Scottish independence activists marched in Glasgow yesterday to try to revive waning support for autonomy ahead of a British general election due this year which is expected to deal a major blow to their cause.
A series of setbacks, including a fraud scandal involving former Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon, have left the independence movement at its lowest point in recent memory.
The march comes after Sturgeon's husband, Peter Murrell, was charged on Thursday with misappropriating 600,000 donations intended for the independence campaign. Murrell, 59, former chief executive of the ruling independence party Scottish National Party (SNP), was charged more than a year after his first arrest.
Sturgeon, who resigned as UK prime minister and leader of the SNP in February 2023, was arrested in June last year but released without charge.
On Friday, she described her husband's situation as incredibly difficult, with current Prime Minister Humza Yousaf calling it truly serious.
Sturgeon had established herself as a leading figure in the independence movement alongside then Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond ahead of the 2014 independence referendum. Scotland voted against independence, with 55% of voters choosing no, but Sturgeon, 53, called the matter into question. on the table in 2016 after the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union.
She argued that Scotland was being forced to leave the bloc against its will because Scots had voted overwhelmingly to stay in Europe.
Sturgeon's confident leadership and excellent communications skills during the Covid-19 pandemic, in contrast to the perceived chaos under former Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government at Westminster, saw support for Scottish independence soar above by 50% in 2021.
After being denied another referendum by successive prime ministers, Sturgeon took the matter to the UK's highest court.
But in November 2022, judges ruled against the Scottish government, saying the power to hold a referendum was a matter reserved for the UK government. For Westminster, the Supreme Court's decision was the final word on another referendum on Scottish independence.
Sturgeon, accused of overplaying her hand, resigned shortly afterwards.
Support for independence has since fallen to between 41 and 43 percent, according to three opinion polls taken in April.
Current SNP leader Yousaf has pledged to continue the campaign for independence in the UK general election, which is expected to take place in October or November.
It says the SNP will claim a mandate to negotiate independence with the British government if it wins at least 29 of the 57 seats up for grabs in Scotland.
The party currently has 43 MPs in Scotland, but is expected to lose several to a resurgent Labor Party, which is expected to form the next government.
The SNP is seven points ahead of Labor in terms of voting intentions, according to polling agency Ipsos, but that is down from 12 points a year ago.
At the next election the first line of our manifesto will say: vote for the SNP for Scotland to become an independent country, a jubilant Yousaf told delegates at an SNP conference in Aberdeen in October last year . Yousaf also pledged to re-enter the EU as quickly as possible, but that won't happen anytime soon, with independence not on the horizon at the moment.

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