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PM Modi resorted to Cong's hate speech and lies over his 'wealth redistribution' remarks

PM Modi resorted to Cong's hate speech and lies over his 'wealth redistribution' remarks


New Delhi, Apr 21 (PTI) The Congress on Sunday hit back at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his remarks on “wealth redistribution” targeting the party, saying after facing “disappointment” in the first phase of Lok Sabha polls, the Prime Minister has now resorted to 'lies' and 'hate speeches' to distract people from the real issues.
The opposition party's attack came after Prime Minister Modi suggested that if the Congress came to power, it would redistribute people's wealth to Muslims and cited former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's remark that the minority community was the first to claim the country's resources.
Addressing a rally in Rajasthan's Banswara, Modi claimed that the Congress was considering giving hard-earned money and valuables to “infiltrators” and “those who have more children”.
Responding to the Prime Minister, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge said that in the history of India, no Prime Minister has lowered the dignity of his office as much as Modi.
“Today Modi ji's desperate speech showed that INDIA is winning the first phase. What Modi ji said is undoubtedly hate speech, but it is also a deliberate ploy to distract attention,” Kharge said.
Today, the Prime Minister did what he has in the values ​​of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, he said.
“Lying for power, misrepresenting things and making false allegations against opponents is the specialty of the Sangh and the BJP outfit,” he asserted.
Kharge said 140 million people in the country will no longer fall prey to such “lies”.
“Our manifesto is for all Indians. It speaks of equality for all. It speaks of justice for all. The Nyaya Patra of the Congress is based on truth, but it seems that the presidency of a dictator like Goebbels is shaking NOW.” Kharge said in a Hindi post on X.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said that after being “disappointed” in the first phase of voting, “Narendra Modi's level of lies has come down so much that he now wants to distract the people from the issues while he is shaken.”
Trends of immense support for the Congress's “revolutionary manifesto” have begun to emerge, Gandhi said in a Hindi article on X.
“The country will now vote on its issues, vote for its jobs, its family and its future. India will not be hijacked,” the former Congress leader said.
Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh also criticized Modi, saying that instead of answering a single question on issues related to youth, women, farmers, Dalits and backwards, the prime minister “had lied shamelessly” and had made “insulting” statements during his rallies in Rajasthan. to distract attention from the real problems.
“What we know is that the first phase was very bad for them (BJP). But maybe the situation is much worse than we estimate. It seems that the Prime Minister has lost his mental balance due to the frustration and disappointment of losing power,” Ramesh said in a Hindi message on X.
“Remember: BJP 'dakshin mein saaf, uttar mein half' (BJP wiped out in the South and its half in the North),” the Congress leader said.
Pawan Khera, head of the Congress's media and publicity department, accused the prime minister of “lying”.
“We challenge the Prime Minister to show whether Hindu-Muslim expression is written anywhere in our manifesto. This kind of superficial mindset is part of your political values,” Khera said.
“We have talked about justice for youth, women, farmers, tribals, middle class and workers. Do you have any objection to this as well?” » he said, castigating the Prime Minister.
In his remarks in Rajasthan, Modi said, “The Congress manifesto says that they will calculate gold with mothers and sisters, get information about it and then distribute these goods. They will distribute it to whom – the Manmohan Singh government had declared that Muslims have the right. first right to the country's assets.”
“Earlier, when their (Congress) government was in power, they had declared that Muslims have the first right to the property of the country. This means to whom will this property be distributed? It will be distributed among those who have the most children,” he added. » declared the Prime Minister.
The Congress said its manifesto does not talk about “redistribution” and that it favors a “comprehensive socio-economic census of castes”.




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