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Top diplomat Blinken will visit the Middle East again next week. What can he achieve this time?

Top diplomat Blinken will visit the Middle East again next week.  What can he achieve this time?


WASHINGTON Secretary of State Antony Blinken returns to the Middle East for its seventh diplomatic mission to the region since Israel-Hamas War in Gaza began more than six months ago, the State Department said Saturday.

Blinken will travel to Saudi Arabia on Monday, just two days after returning to Washington after a trip to China. Blinken will attend a World Economic Forum Conference and meet Arab foreign ministers in Riyadh, the Saudi capital.

Israeli Foreign Ministry official says Blinken wants to visit Israel Tuesday, a stop not mentioned in the State Department's announcement about Blinkens' itinerary.

His last trip to the Middle East, in the wake of dating in china with President Xi Jinping and other senior officials, comes as the war continues, with more than 34,000 Palestinians killed, hundreds of thousands displaced and a worsening humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. In Hamas' surprise attack on Israel on October 7 that started the war, around 1,200 people were killed and around 250 people were kidnapped.

U.S.-backed efforts to negotiate a ceasefire in exchange for the release of the hostages have failed. SATURDAY, Hamas says it is studying new Israeli proposal for a ceasefire as Egypt stepped up efforts to broker a deal to end the war and avert a possible Israeli ground offensive in the southern Gaza town of Rafah. A Hamas official gave no details about the offer. Negotiations earlier this month focused on a six-week ceasefire plan and the release of 40 civilians and sick people. hostages in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

Since mid-October, Blinken has been shuttling between Israel and most of its Arab and Muslim neighbors, trying to increase aid to Gaza's civilians, prevent the conflict from spreading across the region and strengthen support for Gaza's post-war reconstruction and governance plans. while loudly supporting Israel's right to defend itself.

The Israeli offensive in Gaza has increased political pressure in the United States, with pro-Palestinian protests arising at the universities and the backlash from some who say the protests veered into anti-Semitism has resulted.

Blinken and other U.S. officials have tried to dissuade Israel from mounting a large-scale military operation in Rafah, where more than a million Palestinians have fled to escape the fighting.

It had limited success. Aid deliveries to Gaza have increased but are not enough to prevent what the United Nations says is a looming famine, and Arab countries have agreed to support evolving plans for Gaza's future.

State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said Blinken would discuss ongoing efforts to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza that guarantees the release of hostages and how it is Hamas that is stands between the Palestinian people and a ceasefire. Blinken will emphasize the importance of preventing the spread of conflict and discuss efforts to achieve lasting peace and security in the region, including through an independent Palestinian state providing security guarantees for Israel.

Israel continues its preparations to attack Rafah, and the conflict has intensified, particularly after an alleged Israeli attack on Rafah. Consulate of Iran in Syria. Iran retaliated with launches of drones, ballistic and cruise missiles, causing a apparent Israeli airstrike near a major air base and nuclear site in central Iran.

Associated Press writer Julia Frankel in Jerusalem contributed to this report.




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