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“Welcoming Xi Jinping to France is a policy of complicity in the Uyghur genocide”

“Welcoming Xi Jinping to France is a policy of complicity in the Uyghur genocide”


Aat a time when the Russian state is legitimately banned from the Paris Olympics and severely sanctioned by Europe for its war of aggression in Ukraine, and where its recently re-elected leader, Vladimir Putin, is the subject of a mandate judgment of the International Criminal Court. Court (ICC), Emmanuel Macron welcomes Xi Jinping to France while China continues with impunity its genocidal policy against the Uighurs.

China continues to use forced labor and subjects hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs to slavery. Millions of Uyghurs have been imprisoned in camps and prisons because of their ethno-religious identity. Families of French citizens of Uighur origin are still detained in China while almost all Uighurs in France have lost all contact with their loved ones and live under constant threats and intimidation.

But France, in the name of a proclaimed reopening of the country after the Covid-19 years and a policy of rapprochement with China, welcomes the architect and first instigator of the genocide targeting my people and inexorably destroying them.

Thus, our nights full of nightmares, our dislocated genealogies, our feeling of helplessness and our fear of being erased from the history of humanity have no meaning for Macron. Inviting the genocidal ogre to the Elysee Palace, sharing a “more personal” moment with him, all to improve our commercial relations and celebrate 60 years of “diplomatic friendship”, this is a unique Ash Wednesday dinner!

Concentration camps and prisons

But what exactly will he still be able to discuss with Xi? The planned annexation of Taiwan? Tibetan children taken from their families and placed in public orphanages? The repression of dissident voices and political prisoners? Uyghurs victims of transnational repression in Europe and France? Ghost Chinese police stations that violate the territorial sovereignty of France?

On January 20, 2022, in a solemn resolution, the French National Assembly condemned the genocide of the Uyghurs. He acknowledged that the Chinese regime was detaining and torturing Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other Turkic peoples in concentration camps and prisons. The resolution also notes that Uyghur women have been forcibly sterilized and that the Uyghur demographic has fallen by half in record time, with declines of up to 84% in some prefectures. Furthermore, it acknowledges that hundreds of thousands of Uyghur children were separated from their families to be assimilated into Chinese culture in state orphanages or in Han families.

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